Ashbourne College 更新时间:2025-03-25 10:52
Ashbourne College阿什本学院学校基本信息及概况学校类别:混校,Day建立时间:1981年地理位置:伦敦市中心,Kensington,靠近海德公园和肯辛顿花园学校规模:3个主要的校区分布在伦敦市中心在校人数:330名左右住宿形式:寄宿家庭或校外学生公寓(走读学校)学生年龄:15-19岁
Ashbourne College 更新时间:2025-03-25 10:52
Ashbourne College阿什本学院学校基本信息及概况学校类别:混校,Day建立时间:1981年地理位置:伦敦市中心,Kensington,靠近海德公园和肯辛顿花园学校规模:3个主要的校区分布在伦敦市中心在校人数:330名左右住宿形式:寄宿家庭或校外学生公寓(走读学校)学生年龄:15-19岁
Ashbourne College阿什本学院
国际生主要入学年龄:15岁 50%的国际学生比例
考试形式: 笔试+面试
申请细节:需要推荐信及手写PS, A-Level申请戏剧,剧院研究专业,需要额外试听及试音(audition)申请艺术设计及图形设计专业,需要提供作品申请;
费用:注册费£300,学费£30,000/年左右 (以offer为准,学费)
地址:17 Old Court Place,Kensington,London,W8 4PL
Ashbourne College阿什本学院坐落在伦敦市中心的肯辛顿宫就在附近, 靠近肯辛顿花园和海德公园的美丽环境。附近有皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅、维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆和科学和自然历史博物馆等文化偶像。主要图书馆、美术馆和剧院都与学校近在咫尺。
Ashbourne College阿什本学院是英国伦敦一所以应试为导向的私立中学,成绩优异,2019年的A-A* 47%,2018年50%,2017年45% ,2016年51%,2015年47% ,2014年54%。尤其在数学,工程,经济金融,音乐表演戏剧等,非常知名。学校还为Music, Drama and English Literature 有天赋的学生,提供10%-100%的奖学金项目。
经济,戏剧,音乐,艺术设计等专业;每年都有不少学生升入牛剑,超过50% 的学生进入了著名的Russell Group大学 (包括牛津、剑桥、UC、Imperial及 LSE)。A-level阶段教学时间长,每个科目的教学时间大大超过了全国平均数。学生在很好的时间完成教学大纲, 因此在课程结束时有大量的复习机会。更多上课时间的重要得益是分配和监督工作的机会。Ashbourne是十分考试导向的, 学生每半个学期 (六周) 在课堂上便会有正式测验。这些测验为期末考试提供了有价值的实践, 这些测验所取得的成绩为学生、家长、教师和管理人员提供了重要的信息。
数学及科学专业Mathematics and Sciences:More than half of our students study mathematics in one form or another so our overall performance on exams depends on the performance in these subjects. As an example, in 2019 76% of exams in Further Mathematics and Physics resulted in A or A*. Many of our students win gold awards in the annual UKMT (United Kingdom Mathematics Trust) Senior Mathematics competition. A team of our students also finished in the top half of the natio nal competition organized by the UKMT, surpassing all Lo ndon day schools. Our students also participate in the Mathematics and Physics Olympiads and may study university level material and join our Astrophysics Club if they wish. Of course, our specialist Programmes for Engineering and Medicine depend on our excellence in these subjects.
工程类专业Engineering Programme (AEP) Ashbourne’s specialist Programmes offer support to students applying for particularly competitive and demanding university courses. They are effective ways of ensuring that such students are well-informed, well-organized, and well-prepared.
医学专业Medical School Programme (AMSP) The oldest of these Programmes, the Medical School Programme, has been helping prospective doctors, dentists and all students interested in medical-related courses for more than 30 years. Students are given support with their perso nal statements and interviews, as well as preparation for the BMAT and UCAT tests required by various medical schools. A successful medical application involves a wide range of extra-curricular activity, and our programme guides students towards relevant work experience. Finally, they are given essential insights and information through the seminars and talks from medical professio nals and past students. This course is led by Amy Youngman, a graduate in Neuroscience from King’s College London, who is also a Deputy Head of Sixth Form and Head of Faculty.
牛剑辅导项目Oxbridge Programme:This programme provides students with a clear structure for making a strong application to Oxford or Cambridge Universities, giving them mo nthly tasks that help them to make correct decisions and prepare themselves appropriately. Applicants to Oxford and Cambridge must be heading for outstanding A level results but there are many other ways in which they must show their suitability for these prestigious and demanding universities. Our programme covers all aspects of the Oxbridge application process, supporting students so that they can make sensible degree choices and engage in appropriate super-curricular activities before the formal application process begins. Participants will usually complete a 5000-word Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), which helps to demo nstrate their intellectual curiosity and ambition. They must also write a distinctive and pertinent perso nal statement. As well as supporting students in these tasks, the programme prepares them for the pre-interview assessment tests and interviews. The advice and support that Ashbourne offers its students has led to excellent results, with the University of Cambridge being one of our most popular university destinations in recent years. The programme is led by Will Stockland and Christopher Masters, who both studied at the University of Oxford.
“What I like a bout Ashbourne is that everyone is enveloped into the really close-knit family, regardless of race or background. The teaching goes beyond simply imparting skills and knowledge, but also extends to encouraging and inspiring students, which makes learning a lot more enjoyable. The amount of passion that everyone has and the amount of individual attention the college gives to every student creates a pleasant and stimulating environment. Ashbourne has exceeded my expectations in so many ways, and I have really enjoyed my time here in the college.”
“Choosing to study at Ashbourne College is one of the best decisions that I have made. All the academic tutors gave me a lot of assistance when I prepared for the exams and interviews, especially the Director of Studies, John Wilson and Principal, Mike Kirby, who pushed me a lot when I prepared for the Cambridge University interview。“
“My whole time at Ashbourne College was a great experience! I loved the relatio nship between the students and staff including teachers, how you could approach anyone and be sure you'll get any help you needed. I loved the Euro trips, the yearly Christmas revue and the friends I made! :) And, they also helped me get into LSE! I miss Ashbourne!.”
“My time at Ashbourne was incredible! I made lifelong friendships and learnt how to be independent and manage my time well. For me, Ashbourne was a stepping stone between school and university where I was treated as an adult but was still given the guidance, I needed to achieve the results that I wanted to get. During my time there I learnt so much, not just a bout my subjects, but a bout myself. I came to Ashbourne with a dream to study Music at university and, I am unbelievably grateful that, with the help of the teachers at Ashbourne, I am now a second year Music student at Royal Holloway University of London, my first choice. I have genuinely never been happier.”
“Honestly, I had the best two years of my life as an A level student at Ashbourne. While attending music classes at Royal College of Music Junior Department on Saturdays, the flexibility of the time-table each of us gets from Ashbourne gave me plenty of time to practice on violin/harp. Not o nly did Ashbourne prepare me extremely well for the A level exams, the music opportunities I was exposed to during my time here really helped to develop myself into a better musician. We had at least one music co ncert every term, plenty of opportunities to play in ensembles as well as having our compositions performed by professio nal musicians! Ashbourne really focuses on bringing out the individuality and independence of its students. I am currently studying Instrumental Performance at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, and am loving every second!”
“Being a student at Ashbourne College has given me the independence and co nfidence to co ntinue to University with ease. I began my two-year course unaware of what I wanted to co ntinue to do, but with the co nstant support of my teachers throughout my time, I was able to co nsider various options of further study with enthusiasm. After graduating from Ashbourne I plan to attend Kings College to study Psychology. The independence I have gained from Ashbourne means that I can co nfidently embark on the next chapter of my life. “
“During my three-year ride as an Asher, new doors opened up for me to a new world in which I found my true passion. It is encouraging independent learning while providing students with sufficient support when needed, along with its active, lively, and friendly atmosphere that give Ashbourne its uniqueness. The location is great and adds to the liveliness of the atmosphere. As far as academia is concerned, the necessary platform for success in most subject areas one might be interested in is provided. The rest is up to the individual.”
“During my time at Ashbourne, I always felt that the staff were very supportive and helpful. The atmosphere in the college was very friendly and open and it was easy to find people with common interests. The expertise of my teachers helped me expand my knowledge in various subjects, while their support and encouragement gave me the co nfidence to challenge myself intellectually. Alo ngside my French and Management course at King's College London, I am also going to take up Chinese and Spanish. After university, my aim is to go into the business sector and to start my own company.”
“Ashbourne was an amazing experience for me. My teachers were always on hand to help with any of my problems and ensure I achieved my maximum potential. The style of teaching was captivating and to such a high level that I believe it was key to my success at Ashbourne and for that I am unreservedly grateful.”
“All of the Ashbourne teachers are very kind and friendly. Our principle Mike really helped me a lot in my university application. I got many unforgettable experiences at Ashbourne such as UKMT Maths Challenge and UKMT Team Maths Challenge. I want to say thank you to all the teachers and staff who helped me in these two years.”
“I am very proud of the results that I have achieved. I believe that I could not have done it without the amazing support of the teachers at Ashbourne. I've made many friends and will not forget my time at Ashbourne as it has been the best. My next step is Medical School at St. George's, University of Lo ndon and will hopefully become a doctor.”
“Choosing to study at Ashbourne was one of my best decisions because I was so well cared for both academically and personally. This was especially true in preparing for my interview at Cambridge, for which I received a lot of help from my Perso nal Tutor.”
学术水平高,教学质量优 阿什本学院在澳大利亚乃至世界范围内享有盛誉,是澳大利亚最受欢迎的高等教育机构之一。阿什本学院拥有一支高水平、专业化的师资队伍,所有教师均拥有丰富的教学经验,在知识教学、教学方法、学生辅导等方面达到了高度的专业水平。此外,阿什本学院的课程设置合理、科学,紧密结合市场需求,密切关注专业知识和实践的结合,为学生提供全面的知识技能培训,以满足现实社会需求,助力学生成才规划和创业发展。国际化学习环境,多方位体验 澳大利亚阿什本学院拥有优美的校园环境和先进的教学设施,在校园内,师生之间的关系亲密友好,氛围和谐宜人。
Ashbourne College阿什本学院学校基本信息及概况学校类别:混校,Day建立时间:1981年地理位置:伦敦市中心,Kensington,靠近海...
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