Haberdashers' Monmouth School 更新时间:2025-03-23 18:35
学校地址:[英格兰] Almshouse Street, Monmouth NP25 3XP
Monmouth School provides outstanding opportunities for boys who enter the senior school as day pupils or boarders. The School is nationally renowned
Haberdashers' Monmouth School 更新时间:2025-03-23 18:35
学校地址:[英格兰] Almshouse Street, Monmouth NP25 3XP
Monmouth School provides outstanding opportunities for boys who enter the senior school as day pupils or boarders. The School is nationally renowned
Mo nmouth School provides outstanding opportunities for boys who enter the senior school as day pupils or boarders. The School is natio nally renowned for its sporting and musical achievements as well as its high academic standards.
This year Mo nmouth School achieved their second highest percentage of A* grades, but what was most pleasing was that the majority of the boys achieved grades which allowed them to take up places at their first choice universities to study a very broad cross-section of subjects. In 2012 Mo nmouth School was listed 77th in the Daily Telegraph’s natio nal league table for all independent schools and has regularly been placed in the top 20 boys o nly boarding schools in the country, but its great strength is its proven ability to bring the best out in every boy in a wide range of subjects and activities
除了GCSE和A Level课程,学校还另提供一年的GCSE课程(Foundation Sixth Form Year),将英国学生两年的学习内容压缩在一年中进行,十分适合海外学生报考,为A Level的升学做准备。学校的师资力量雄厚,老师们学识广博,经验丰富,对教育充满了热情。无论是在教室里、运动场上、剧院里还是音乐厅里,学生们的潜能都会被不断挖掘,老师会督促他们全方位地不断成长。
Monmouth School provides outstanding opportunities for boys who enter the senior school as day pupils or boarders. The S...
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