
我是加拿大新移民 国内一本大学读到大二 去温哥华读大学怎么办...



我是加拿大新移民 国内一本大学读到大二 去温哥华读大学怎么办呢...,在线求解答





我是加拿大新移民 国内一本大学读到大二 去温哥华读大学怎么办...




你是新移民,但是已经大二了,不建议现在再申请加拿大的本科,最好的方法是如下:1. 获得移民身份后,短登加拿大,获得枫叶卡后回中国.2. 完成中国学业,获得学士学位,并保持GPA在3.0以上3.参加雅思学习和考试4.直接申请加拿大的Master或者研究生(post graducate)课程.


1.我曾经有一位朋友也是从上海转学分到Langara,部分可以转,但具体情况我不太清楚。你最好问问学校具体手续是怎样,需要什么资料,然后把资料都带去温哥华,免得到时候你人在温哥华,要托人去办。2.我是几年前从Langara转到UBC的,明年毕业。说实话,我在国内平时成绩和高考成绩都很一般,但个人觉得UBC不是很难毕业,但用功是一定要的。College转UBC或SFU不是很难,要看你读哪个专业。3.以下是我递了申请表之后,UBC发给我的所需文件清单,但现在可能有改动,我不清楚,以下仅供参考。"In order to evaluate your application fully, please ensure we receive the following documents as soon as possible: **Please note, if transcripts are requested, in order for them to be considered "official" they must be sent directly from the institution in a sealed envelope that bears the institution's logo and/or address.**- An official Upper Middle School Report of Grades(高中三年成绩). Please arrange to have your secondary school send to our office an official report of grades/transcript, in the original language of instruction, Chinese. This certified copy must bear the issuing institution's stamp, seal and/or original issuing institution signature, be issued in a sealed issuing institution envelope, and be sent directly to our office from the issuing institution. Notarized copies (white booklets), faxed copies, and photocopies are not acceptable.- A certified English translation of the official transcript of the Upper Middle School Report of Grades- An official Upper Middle School Graduation Certificate(高中毕业证书). Please submit the original Upper Middle School Graduation Certificate booklet, which will be returned to you after the evaluation process. If you live outside of the Vancouver area or are unable to submit your original certificate booklet we will accept a certified true copy of the original document certified by the issuing institution. The certified copy must bear the issuing institution's stamp, seal and/or an original school signature, issued in a sealed issuing institution envelope, and sent directly to our office. Notarized copies (white booklets), faxed copies, and photocopies are not acceptable.- A certified English translation of the official transcript of the Upper Middle School Graduation Certificate- An interim official transcript from Langara College- A final official transcript from Langara College- Proof of Permanent Residence Please submit proof of Permanent Residence (e.g. a photocopy of your landing papers or Permanent Resident card noting the landing date) to the Undergraduate Admissions Office.- English Language Admission Std UBC requires you to demonstrate competence in the English language before your application can be evaluated. There are a number of ways to meet the English Language Admission Standard (ELAS) requirement. For more information, please visitfor UBC Vancouver orfor UBC Okanagan."你可以再参考一下这个:我有一个朋友在国内刚读完大二就来温哥华读书,他选择重新读undergraduate,他是读电脑的,他好像一个学分也没有申请转。我也有一个朋友读完大专才来温哥华读书,他也是选择重新读。我都很佩服他们!!!如果你选择重新读,就要做好延迟毕业的心理准备,加油!如果你想了解更多,可以留个email地址给我(可是我没有百度帐户)。祝你一切顺利!!!


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