
多伦多大学 和 UBC的入学要求是什么



多伦多大学 和 UBC的入学要求是什么,在线求解答




多伦多大学 和 UBC的入学要求是什么


语言成绩的要求: 1. 托福 TOFEL:最低600(写作5分以上)或网考100(写作22)。

2. 雅思 IELTS:6.5(个别不低于6.0)。 学术要求: 1. 高中毕业。

2. 提供高中会考和高考成绩。 You do not have to prove your English competency as long as you have attended an English speaking school for 4 years. Otherwise, you will have to pass IELTS or TOEFL. For Economics major, you do not need GRE, GMAT (for business), LSAT (for law) or MCAT (medical or dental school) I guess you do not need me to explain the difference between Economics and Business, so you do not need GMAT 100% for sure. You need at least 3 references. Without them, forget it. Since you are a graduate from New Zealand, you don't need me to tell you the difference between MA and MPhil/PhD. For MA, you don't need any publication because you will need skills, not academic knowledge. Usually, no financial aid is provided. For MPhil and PhD, you must have a proven record of publishing. Your undergraduate thesis and other papers have to be submitted. You must find a professor willing to supervise you and to give you the money, about 18,000 Canadians per year, and to offer you perks like teaching or research assistanceship. Rotman is a business school. If you attend their MBA, the situation is like that of an MA. If you enrol into their PhD, you need publication and will receive financial aid.


1、多伦多大学的录取标准[本科]学历要求:高中毕业,提交会考成绩、高考成绩学习成绩:无明确要求,建议86-90以上语言要求:TOEFL 100/IELTS 6.5注意:高中文科生,一般不可以申请理工科专业[研究生]学历要求:本科毕业,相关专业背景学习成绩:GPA3.0以上语言要求:TOEFL 100/IELTS 7标准化考试成绩:商科提交GMAT,理工建议提交GRE注意:各专业招生要求不同,具体需详见学校的院系专业说明2、UCB大学的录取标准 【本科】高中成绩:高中三年成绩(录取线84%以上)语言要求:雅思6.5(6)托福90听读22写口21会考高考:必须会考和高考需需要CQV(China Qualifications Verification)认证【硕士】 大学成绩:大学四年平均成绩 语言要求:雅思6.5(6);托福100 GMAT/GRE/工作经验:具体分析


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