









补充入学要求英国的大学不设学分制,要求所有人都得按部就班完成规定时间的学习才能拿到学位。英国大学生的上课时间并不多,但每次上课,老师都会开一大堆的书目(reading list)。在课下都要到图书馆去查找,大量的时间就用在了图书馆中。和中国学生有所不同的是,英国学生在进入大学前,心中就已有了一个研究的方向,在后来的学习中会有意识的发展这方面的研究。在一边念书的同时,一边从事研究工作,整天忙于实验室和图书馆。像剑桥、牛津这样的名校,一些本科生在毕业前就会成为学者、科学家,在某个方面取得不小的成就。 英国大学的考试一般都是综合性的,包括平时表现、考试、论文、出勤率等方面的综合评分,要想拿个高分并不是一件容易的事。剑桥大学向来是以考试制度严格而闻名的,每科课程只考一次,没有补考的机会,考试如果未获通过,其结果只有离开剑桥。因此每每考试前夕,剑桥的学生都特别紧张,全力以赴的复习,那种紧张的情形并不比中国的高考轻松。上英国一般的大学,中学毕业生都不需要另经高考,单凭中学毕业成绩就可以读大学,而剑桥、牛津这类学校,要经过入学考试,各科成绩都得是a等;除此之外,还要看运气,因为报考的人实在太多了,以致后来许多人都不敢报考这两所学校,然而不管你的背景怎样,你自己必须首先打定主意,提出申请,然后经由个人考核决定是否得以录取。剑桥大学为水平不一的有识之士提供学术研究的机会,这里是求知欲强的学生们扩大知识面、掌握一门学科的圣地。剑桥大学毕业生的就业范围历来非常广。为了攻读更高的学位,或是为了通过职业资格考试,通常有四分之一强的学生会继续学习深造。


The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world, and one of the largest in the United Kingdom. It has a world-wide reputation for outstanding academic achievement and the high quality of research undertaken in a wide range of science and arts subjects. The University pioneers work in the understanding of disease, the creation of new materials, advances in telecommunications and research into the origins of the universe. It trains doctors, vets, architects, engineers and teachers. At all levels about half of the students at Cambridge study arts and humanities subjects, many of whom have gone on to become prominent figures in the arts, print and broadcast media. The University’s achievements in the sciences can be measured by the sixty or more Nobel Prizes awarded to its members over the years. The University is a self-governing body: the legislative authority is the Regent House, which consists of the three thousand or so members of the teaching and administrative staff of the University and Colleges who have the MA (or MA status) or a higher degree. The principal administrative body of the University is the Council, which consists mainly of members of the academic staff elected by the Regent House. The General Board of the Faculties co-ordinates the educational policy of the University and the Finance Committee of the Council supervises its financial affairs. As Cambridge approaches its eight hundredth anniversary in 2009, it is looking to the future. The modern University is an international centre of teaching and research in a vast range of subjects: about half of the students study science or technology. Members of the University have won over sixty Nobel Prizes. It continues to change in response to the challenges it faces. The Vice-Chancellor, for instance, is no longer a Head of College, but is a full-time administrative appointment. A Development Office and associated charitable foundation is successfully seeking funds around the world for new ventures. The 1990s have seen a major expansion of University accommodation for teaching and research. There are many major new buildings either underway or already completed, including the Law Faculty building and the Judge Institute of Management Studies, in March 1996 opened by HM The Queen.帮你翻译大学,剑桥大学,是最古老的大学之一,在世界上,其中一个最大的在联合王国。它拥有世界广泛的声誉的优秀学术成果和高质量的研究,在广泛的科学和艺术科目。大学教育的先驱工作,在了解的疾病,创造新材料,新进展,在电信和研究的起源,宇宙。它列车医生,兽医,建筑师,工程师和教师。在所有各级约有一半的学生在剑桥大学学习艺术与人文学科,其中许多人已经就成为突出的数字,艺术,印刷和广播媒体。大学教育所取得的成就,在科学领域可以衡量由60或以上的诺贝尔奖颁发给其成员多年来。 该大学是一个自治体:立法权力是丽晶房子,其中的3000或使成员的教学和行政人员的大学及学院谁有马(或马的地位)或更高的学位。主要行政机构的大学是安理会,其中包括主要成员的学术人员由民选产生丽晶内务。总务委员会的学院负责统筹教育的政策,大学及财务委员会理事会监督其财政事务。 作为剑桥的办法,其第八百周年,在2009年,这是展望未来。现代大学是一个国际中心的教学和研究,在广阔的科目:约有一半的学生学习科学或技术。成员的大学,赢得了超过60诺贝尔奖。 它不断改变,在回应它所面临的挑战。副校长,举例来说,不再是一个头部大学,而且是一名全职的行政任命。 1开发办公室和相关的慈善基金会,是成功地寻求资金在世界各地为新的合资企业。 20世纪90年代出现了重大的扩建,大学住宿的教学和研究。有许多重大的新建筑物无论是正在进行或已经完成的,包括法学院的建设和法官管理研究所研究,于1996年3月开幕,女王陛下。


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