学校共有五个大类学院和三个研究所,包括:人文艺术学院 (Faculty of Art, Design and Humanities) 、 商法学院 (Faculty of Business and Law) 、工程学院 (Faculty of Technology) 、生命健康科学学院 (Faculty of Health and Life Sciences)、人文学院;创意技术研究所( Institute of Creative Technologies, IOCT )、能源与可持续发展研究所( Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, IESD )等 。
1. Leicester Media School2.School of Computer Science and Informatics3.School of Engineering and Sustainable Development4.Leicester Business School5.Leicester De Montfort Law School6.Leicester School of Architecture7.School of Arts8.School of Design9.School of Fashion and Textiles10.School of Humanities11.The Institute of Creative Technologies12.Department of Politics and Public Policy13.School ofAllied Health Sciences14.School ofNursing and Midwifery15.Leicester School of Pharmacy DMU 的五个学院以及三个研究所提供大学预科、大学本科、硕士预科、硕士研究生和博士研究生等各个层次的 500 多门学科课程,是英国大学中学科最为齐全的高等学府之一。