






自我介绍选择什么职位对酒店、所选职位的了解有什么兴趣爱好家乡在哪父母是干什么的Frequently Asked Interview QuestionsCan yousay something about yourself besides what’s shown in your resume 能不能说说你的情况,最好是简历之外的?What doyou know about our hotel你对我们酒店有什么了解?Whichdepartment would you like to join and why If this department is currentlyfull, are you willing to accept a position in another department你想加入哪个部门,为什么?如果这个部门没有编制,你是否愿意加入其它部门?Do youwant to pursue a career in the hospitality industry and why 你是否愿意在酒店业中建立自己的职业生涯?为什么?What areyour strengths and weaknesses( Generalizations and examples)你的优点和缺点都有哪些?Can yousay something about your college education能不能说说你的大学学习情况?What’syour plan after your internship is over实习结束后有什么计划?Are youable to work under stress ( How do you deal with stress from work )- Examples 你能否适应有压力的工作?Are youable to perform shift duties对于非正常班,你能否接受?Have youtalked about working in a hotel with your parentsWhat’s their reaction你和父母谈过在酒店工作么?他们的反应时?What doyou think are the qualities of a good employee in the hospitality industry你认为优秀酒店员工的素质是什么?As axxxx , how to make your guest satisfied作为xxx 岗位员工,如何能让客人满意?What doyou expect to accomplish in your internship你希望在实习中学到什么?What arethe events that require your presence back at school during the next 6 months你在未来6个月实习中,有什么需要返校做的事情么?Have youworked in the hospitality industry beforeCan you describe those experiences What have learned from them( Examples) 你在酒店业有没有从业经验?能否进行描述?Can youdescribe your personalities你的性格特点如何?Can youtell us a little bit about your hometownCan yousay something about your family What aresome of your hobbies Do youhave any questions for us



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