可是我没有商科专业的基础,这样跨专业选择,学习上有困难吗?fine, not that hard.这样的选择,适合我吗?ok.澳洲学习一年后,如果我想继续留在澳洲,除了找工作还有什么方法?one year aus study can not apply pr.you have to go back to China.不知还有其他什么好的学校和专业可选择?lots of 3-4 stars universities to choose from.纽卡斯尔大学的专升硕毕业后有学位证吗?学位证is something unique in China.拿着这个硕士证在澳洲好找工作吗?one year study is impossible to stay in aus after u finished your course.You can not apply work visa.如果硕士毕业后,继续申请澳洲的博士,可以吗?yes,you can. but only top 5% student can apply phd for free or you have to pay.