












美国每所大学都很不同,因此他们录取学生时考虑的因素都会有不同侧重。不同的院校到底看重学生什么素质呢 1. A rigorous high school curriculum that challenges the student and may include AP or IB classes.高中时代学校严格的,能挑战学生的教程,包括AP或者是IB的课程。

2. Grades that represent a strong effort and an upward trend. However, slightly lower grades in a rigorous program are preferred to all A’s in less challenging coursework.高中的成绩能体现出学生的努力进取,并能呈现上升趋势。在严格环境下稍微低一点的成绩比宽松高中的全A更受欢迎。

3. Solid scores on standardized tests (ACT, SAT). These should be consistent with high school performance.ACT或者SAT的好成绩。这些成绩应该和高中整体成绩相吻合。

4. A well-written essay that provides insight into the student’s unique personality, values, and goals. The application essay should be thoughtful and highly personal. It should demonstrate careful and well-constructed writing.一份能体现学生特性,价值观和人生目标,完好呈现的文书。大学申请文书应该是经过学生深思熟虑,高度个性化的,同时还需要体现写作的完美构思。

5. Passionate involvement in a few in or out of school activities. Commitment and depth are valued over minimal involvement in a large number of activities.非常有激情地参与几个校内外的活动。持之以恒地深度参与几种活动比浅尝辄止地参与多种活动更受认可。

6. Demonstrated leadership and initiative in extra-curricular activities. Students who arrive on campus prepared to lead clubs and activities are highly desirable.在课外活动中展现领导力和创造力。大学都希望招到一入校门就能领导学生俱乐部及各种校内活动的人才。7. Personal characteristics that will contribute to a diverse and interesting student body. Many colleges seek to develop a freshman class that is diverse: geographically, culturally, ethnically, economically, and politically.学生的特点能和一个多元化并且有趣的学生团体相得益彰。很多大学都希望有一个多元化的新生群体,从地域,文化,种族,经济和政治的角度全面多元化。8. Demonstrated intellectual curiosity through reading, school, leisure pursuits, and more.通过阅读,学校生活,课外兴趣爱好等等体现学生的求知欲和学术上的好奇心。9. Demonstrated enthusiasm to attend, often exhibited by campus visits and an interview, showing an interest toward attending the college if offered admission.通过参观学校,面试等等体现对所报学校的喜爱以及一旦被录取就会接受的热情。10. Letters of recommendation from teachers and guidance counselors that give evidence of integrity, special skills, positive character traits, and an interest in learning.学校老师和升学导师出具的推荐信能体现学生的品德,特殊才能,积极向上的人格特点和对于知识的兴趣和渴求。11. Special talents that will contribute to the college’s student life program. Colleges like to know what you intend to bring to campus, as well as what you’ll take from your college experience.学生有哪些特殊才能能丰富校园生活。大学希望看到学生能给学校贡献什么,也想了解学生利用学校各种资源的能力,能从学校带走什么样的经历。12. Out of school experiences including work, community service, youth organizations, religious groups, etc. Again, passionate involvement is meaningful to the admissions office; casual memberships are not.学生的校外经历,包括工作,社区服务,青年团体,宗教组织等等。值得重复说明的是,充满激情的深度参与是招生官看重的,浮皮潦草的简单参与没有分量。


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