三个学期,spring,summer,winter。比如这就是2010年1月冬季开学的日程,给个参考啦!WINTER 2010Monday, January 4University reopens.Monday, January 11First day of Winter Term, Undergraduate programs.Friday, January 22Last day for duration 3 late registration and course changes without permission of the instructor. Brock Registration System closes for duration 3 adds; last day to drop courses without financial penalty. After this date, manual course change requests are required. Last date for withdrawal without academic penalty and last day to change from credit to audit status for duration 1 courses.Monday, February 1Last day for receipt of applications to graduate at Spring Convocation.Monday, February 15Family Day. University closed (no classes). (see April 12)Monday, February 22 to Friday, February 26Reading Week. No classes will be held in undergraduate programs.Friday, February 26President's Holiday. Administrative offices closed; Registrar's Office and library open.Friday, March 5Last date for withdrawal without academic penalty and last day to change from credit to audit status for duration 3 courses.TBASpring Open HouseMonday, March 15 to Friday, March 19Spring break (elementary and secondary schools). No classes will be held in the Teacher Education Program.Friday, April 2Good Friday. University closed (no classes); library open.Monday, April 12Make-up day for Family Day (duration 1 and duration 3 classes). The schedule will be that of a Monday.Tuesday, April 13Last day of lectures for durations 1 and 3 courses. Make-up day for Good Friday (duration 1 and duration 3 classes). The schedule will be that of a Friday.Wednesday, April 14Reading day. A snow day may be used to cover classes missed because of adverse weather (if needed). The day of the week missed will determine the replacement schedule for classes.Thursday, April 15 to Wednesday, April 28Final examinations for duration 1 and duration 3 courses.*NOTE: According to the Residence Agreement, students must leave residence by noon the day following their last exam in December and in April.