读音: [sez]v. 说(第三人称单数)Take no notice of what he says.别理会他说的话。
The guidebook says to turn left.旅游指南上说应向左拐。Whoever says that is a liar.说那话的人都是骗子。If she notices, she never says so.就算她留意到,她也从来不说。Everyone says he is a terrible person.大家都说他不是个好人。
读音: [sez]v. 说(第三人称单数)Take no notice of what he says.别理会他说的话。
The guidebook says to turn left.旅游指南上说应向左拐。Whoever says that is a liar.说那话的人都是骗子。If she notices, she never says so.就算她留意到,她也从来不说。Everyone says he is a terrible person.大家都说他不是个好人。