






1 夏威夷大学有10 个分校 HILO 是其中一个(the UH has ten campuses Hilo is one of them.)2你指的颜色是指校徽么 应该是红色(maybe red)3自己数:Bachelor’s Degrees(please check below) "Administration of Justice, B.A."Accounting, B.B.A."Agriculture, B.S.: Animal Science—Livestock Production Specialty"Agriculture, B.S.: Animal Science—Pre-Veterinary Specialty"Agriculture, B.S.: Aquaculture Specialty Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree"Agriculture, B.S.: Coastal Resources and Watershed Management Specialty"Agriculture, B.S.: Tropical Horticulture Specialty"Agriculture, B.S.: Tropical Plant Science and Agroecology Specialty"Anthropology, B.A."Art, B.A."Astronomy, B.S."Biology, B.A.: Cell and Molecular Track"Biology, B.A.: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Track"Biology, B.S.: Cell and Molecular Track"Biology, B.S.: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Track "Business Administration, B.B.A."Chemistry, B.A."Chemistry, B.A.: Health Sciences"Communication, B.A."Computer Science, B.S."Economics, B.A."English, B.A."Environmental Studies, B.A."Environmental Science, B.S."Geography, B.A."Geology, B.A. and Geology, B.S."Hawaiian Studies, B.A."History, B.A."Japanese Studies, B.A."Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, B.A."Linguistics, B.A."Marine Science, B.A. and Marine Science, B.S."Mathematics, B.A."Natural Science, B.A."Nursing, B.S."Performing Arts, B.A.: Dance Concentration"Performing Arts, B.A.: Drama Concentration"Performing Arts, B.A.: Music Concentration"Performing Arts, B.A.: Technical Theatre Concentration"Pharmacy Studies, B.A."Philosophy, B.A."Physics, B.A."Political Science, B.A."Psychology, B.A."Sociology, B.A. Minors "Agriculture"Anthropology"Art"Astronomy"Biology"Business Administration"Chemistry"Communication"Computer Science"Earth and Space Science"Economics"English"Geography"Geology"Hawaiian Studies"History"Japanese Studies"Linguistics"Marine Science"Mathematics"Natural Science"Philosophy"Physics"Political Science"Sociology Master’s Degrees "China-U.S. Relations, M.A."Counseling Psychology, M.A."Education, M.Ed."Hawaiian Language and Literature, M.A."Indigenous Language and Culture Education, M.A."Tropical Conservation Biology & Environmental Science, M.S. Doctoral Degrees "Indigenous Language and Culture Revitalization, Ph.D."Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ph.D."Pharmacy, Pharm. D. Certificate or Licensure Programs "Basic Hawaiian Culture"Chinese Studies"Computer Application Development Specialization"Database Management"E-Commerce, Technology, and Business"Environmental Studies"Forest Resource Management and Conservation"Hawaiian Language"International Studies (Tourism Concentration)"International Relations (International Relations Concentration)"Kahuawaiola Indigenous Teacher Education"Marine Options"Pacific Islands Studies"Performing Arts"Planning"Plant Tissue Culture"Teacher Education Program"Teaching English as a Second Language"Women’s Studies4 自己慢慢看他的学校网址是(know more aboutquestion 4please check the website)5同上(same to No.4)6 sorry I do not know.7sorry I do not know.8 自己看看(check the wesite)-uh-hilo.html9 唯一的途径下载他们的application 然后就知道了(please download the application from the website)Good luck to you! I am applying the University of Hawaii at Manoa now. Hope see you there.



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