环境与能源应用工程概论大学化学画法几何与工程制图 大学英语读写译 大学英语听力大学英语口语我要留学转学出去美国大学是要看你的课程严谨又详细的英文简介!!有很多人都出国,所以这种简介肯定有!!但我们学校的破官网他上不去了!!!!!请帮帮忙,能发多少是多少,
思想道德修养 本课程以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以人生观、价值观、道德观教育为主线,教育引导学生加强自身思想道德修养和提高思想道德素质的一门思想政治教育课程。基本内容包括:适应大学生活及树立成才目标;良好心理素质的培养;正确对待友谊和爱情;树立正确的人生观和价值观;培养良好道德品质;弘扬民族精神;努力实现人的全面发展。毛泽东思想概论 《毛泽东思想概论》一门专业基础课。主要教学内容包括三大部分:一是总论,主要论述毛泽东思想的含义、产生的社会历史条件及其产生、成熟和发展的历史过程;二是毛泽东思想的基本内容;三是毛泽东思想的活的灵魂,这部分是整个课程的重点。实用大学语文 《大学语文》是我院文科类、经济类、工科各专业学生的公共必修课。该课程通过文学形式传承中华民族的语言文化,教学内容可概括为作品阅读欣赏、文学知识、语言知识三个方面。计算机文化基础 本课程是必修的基础课。通过本课程的教学,使学生掌握计算机的基础知识、基本概念和基本操作技能,并兼顾实用软件的使用和计算机应用领域的前沿知识,为学生熟练使用计算机和进一步学习计算机有关知识打下基础。法律基础 法律基础课是大学生的一门思想品德课。法律基础课以培养大学生社会主义法律意识为核心,对大学生进行社会主义法制教育的课程,提高他们法律意识。马克思主义政治经济学 该课程是大学生公共政治理论课,主要涉及马克思主义政治经济学的创立和科学地位、马克思主义政治经济学的研究对象,研究任务和研究方法、劳动二重性理论、商品经济的一般规律、剩余价值理论、资本循环与周转理论以及社会资本的再生产的理论、社会主义生产关系的实质和经济制度、社会主义市场经济体制和经济运行、经济全球化与国际关系等内容。计算机语言 本课程以程序设计思想为主线,以C语言为蓝本,介绍C语言的基本概念和程序设计的思想和方法,培养学员运用C语言分析、解决简单实际问题的能力。国际贸易理论与实务 国际贸易理论与实务是财经类专业学生必修课程之一,也是了解和掌握国际贸易基础理论及国际货物买卖基本技能的入门课程。本课程由《国际贸易理论》和《国际贸易实务》两部分课程组成。《国际贸易理论》是研究国际贸易产生和发展,揭示其中的特点与运动规律的学科。国际贸易实务是一门主要研究国际商品交换的具体过程的学科,也是具有涉外活动特点的实践性很强的综合性应用科学。企业理论与企业制度 本课程主要介绍现代企业理论的主要流派、主流分析方法和研究方法;将现代企业理论结合到我国企业改革与成长发展的实际中来;掌握现代企业理论发展的前沿问题和发展趋势; 企业制度方面,分为两条主线展开:其一,从理论的高度阐述现代企业的产权关系、内部治理结构、政企关系、管理机制、技术进步机制、企业并购机制等宏观、系统性问题;其二,针对中国国有企业、集体企业、股份合作企业、私营企业等各类不同企业的具体现状,重点分析和研究其在现代企业制度改革实践中面临的难点和操作性问题。产业经济学 “产业经济学”课程是面向工商管理学院四年制本科生开设的应用经济学公共课。本课程主要内容有产业组织理论、产业结构理论、产业布局理论、产业政策以及产业经济学的前沿问题。马克思主义哲学 马克思主义哲学原理课是全国普通高等学校马克思主义理论课中的一门必修课程,是对马克思主义哲学基本原理:辩证唯物主义、唯物辩证法、辩证唯物主义认识论和历史唯物主义概要的论述。生产管理学 生产管理学是为工商管理类专业本科生开设的专业基础课,通过学习,要求学生深刻理解生产管理学的基本理论,模型和方法,全面掌握对企业生产活动进行计划,组织,指挥,控制和协调的原理和方法,系统了解国际范围内的发展趋势以及先进的管理方法.数据库原理 本课程主要内容包括数据库系统的基本理论和内容,了解数据库系统的核心技术及其实现,了解有关数据库系统研究的最新进展等等,认识到数据库系统在大型应用系统中的地位和作用。认识实习 认识实习是使学生对本专业的生产实际知识有一个比较全面的感性认识,并结合生产实践,初步掌握专业课的某些内容.其内容主要包括参观前安全教育;实地参观企业中了解所参观企业各方面的基本情况,对所参观企业的建厂历史,发展概况,生产规模,生产水平有一个比较全面的认识,对企业的文化建设,职工风貌以及企业在战略,生产,设备,销售以及人力资源等各方面的管理现状有一个全面的了解,并结合参观实际写出实习报告.Ideological and Moral Cultivation of this course is to Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" as guidance, outlook on life, values, ethics education, the main line, educate and guide students to strengthen their own ideological and moral cultivation and improve ideological and moral quality of an ideological and political education programs. Contents: meet the goal of college life and establish a talent; good psychological quality; correctly deal with friendship and love; establish a correct outlook on life and values; cultivate good moral character; carry forward the national spirit; efforts to achieve comprehensive human development. Mao Zedong Thought "Mao Zedong Thought," a basic course. Main content includes three parts: First, General remarks, mainly discusses the meaning of Mao Zedong Thought, the resulting social and historical conditions and the production, maturation and development of the historical process; two basic elements of Mao Zedong Thought; third live Mao Zedong Thought the soul, this part is the focus of the course. Journal of College Chinese "College Language" is my Liberal Arts class, economics, engineering students of all public courses. The course through the literary forms of Chinese language and culture heritage and teaching content can be summarized as their appreciation of reading, literary knowledge, linguistic knowledge in three aspects. Computer Culture This course is required course. Through this course, students master basic computer knowledge, basic concepts and basic skills, taking into account the use of utility software and computer application in the field of cutting-edge knowledge and proficiency for students learning to use computers and to further lay the foundation for computer-related knowledge. Basic course of law is the legal basis for university students an ideological and moral lesson. Legal basis for the course to train students as the core of socialist legal consciousness of the socialist legal education students courses to enhance their legal awareness. Marxist political economics students of the course is public and political theory, mainly related to the creation of Marxist political economy and scientific status of Marxism and political economy study, research tasks and research methods, duality of labor theory, the general commodity economy law theory of surplus value, capital circulation and the flow theory and the reproduction of social capital theory, the essence of socialist production relations and the economic system of the socialist market economic system and economic performance, economic globalization and international relations and so on. Computer language to program design of this course is the main line to C language modeled, introducing the basic concepts and C language programming ideas and methods to train students using C language to analyze and solve simple practical problems. International trade theory and practice of international trade theory and practice is a required course for students of Finance and Economics, is one of understanding and knowledge of the basic theory of international trade and international sale of goods introductory course in basic skills. This course by the "international trade theory" and "International Trade Practice," composed of two courses. "International trade theory" is to study international trade and development, and reveal the characteristics and movement rules and disciplines. International Trade is a major study of international commodity exchange for the specific process discipline, which also has the characteristics of foreign-related activities, practical application of highly integrated science. Enterprise and Enterprise System This course introduces the major schools of modern business theory, mainstream analysis and research methods; will combine modern theory of the firm growth of China's enterprise reform and development of practice here; master the forefront of the development of modern business theory and its development trends; enterprise system, divided into two main lines: First, set the height of the modern theory of the national economy, internal governance structure, government-enterprise relationship management system, technical progress mechanism, M & A mechanism of macroscopic, systemic problem; Second, for the Chinese state-owned enterprises, collective enterprises, joint-stock cooperative enterprises, private enterprises such as the specific status of different types, to analyze and study the modern enterprise system reform in the face of difficulties and operational problems. Industrial Economics, "Industrial Economics" course is a four-year undergraduate students for the College of Business Administration Applied Economics offered public courses. The main content of this course theory of industrial organization, industrial structure theory, theory of industrial distribution, industrial policy and industrial economics of the frontier issues.
高等数学2A - High Level Mathematics 2A建筑环境与能源应用工程概论 - Construction Environment and Energy Engineering Technology(省去”概论“用”技术“取代。概论这种东西翻译成英文听起来很像初学者)大学化学 - Chemistry (省去大学,因为对方已经知道你是大学)画法几何与工程制图 -Geometry and Technical Drawing 大学英语读写译,大学英语听力,大学英语口语 - Professional English Study (合并这三个科目,并改为”专业英语“,因为国外听力,读书这种事情是小学生做的,你那样写人家反而会觉得很好笑)这些是你的课程标题,至于详细简洁这些还不够(虽然我是学设计的,我知道你的课程大致内容,但美方不一定知道)。如果你能用中文介绍你的科目,我还能帮你翻译一次。