同学 课程描述指的是:你所有上的课程的内容介绍,需要中英文的,做好以后到学校教务处盖章,越具体越好,根据你的描述内容才能决定给你减免多少学分。
给你举个例子货代英语描述该课程主要是用英语授课,货运代理行业在国际货运市场上,处于货主与承运人之间,接受货主委托,代办租船、订舱、配 载、缮制有关证件、报关、报验、保险、集装箱运输、拆装箱、签发提单、结算运杂费,乃至交单议付和结汇。这些工作联系面广,环节多,是把国际贸易货运业务相当繁杂的工作相对集中地办理,协调、统筹、理顺关系,增强其专业性、技术性和政策性,国际货运代理行业的形成,是国际商品流通过程的必然产物,是国际贸易不可缺少的组成部分,正因为如此,该行业被世界各国公认为国际贸易企业的货运代理。其英文命名为FORWARDERS,并为其成立了国际性组织,即“菲亚塔”,英文缩写为“FIATA”。它的成员国已发展到130多个国家和地区,拥有国际货运代理公司3500多家,从业人员已达800多万人,我国上海、天津、青岛、大连、江苏、深圳相继成立了国际货运代理协会,对外贸易经济合作部正在筹建中国国际运代理协会,将领导各地协会,并加入国际性组织成为成员国。The course is mainly to teach in English. In the international market freight forwarding industry acts as an agent between shippers and carriers, responsible for accepting the owner’s commission ,delegating chartering booking, loading, compeleting relevant documents and customs declaration, inspection, insurance , container transport, packing and unpacking the issue of bills of lading, settlement of miscellaneous transportation, as well as payment,negotiation and settlement.Those works are wide-ranging and full of links, aiming to deal with relatively quite complicated issues in international trade business , co-ordinate, arrange ,straighten out the relationship, and enhance their professional, technical and policy-oriented., the formation of international freight forwarding industry is the inevitable outcome in circulation of commodities and indispensable in international trade , therefore it has been recognized as freight forwarders by most international trade enterprises. The English name is FORWARDERS, and for the establishment of an international organization,the acronym for the FIATA. Its member states have grown to more than 130 countries and regions, and international freight forwarding companies have reached more than 3,500 with over 800 million people joining in . In China Shanghai, Tianjin, Qingdao, Dalian, Jiangsu and Shenzhen have established the International Freight Forwarders Association while the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation has been developing China International Cargo Agencies Association which will lead regional associations to become member staff.希望对你有帮助