







大不列颠精神被体现在了景观学上,比如英国人早在20世纪30年代就提出了“景观无边界”。而景观设计的本质就是保护建筑和自然环境。广义上涵盖了城市空间,自然环境。而设计的理念也就是对景观和建筑的保护和规划。那么,英国有哪些大学开设有相关专业呢 The University of Edinburgh,爱丁堡大学MLA Landscape Architecture,景观建筑课程描述:The major part of your studies will involve undertaking realistic site-based projects on a variety of scales. These projects will become increasingly complex as your knowledge of the profession, and of the sciences and technologies involved, increases. The programme culminates in a major design project you select and develop with support from staff.录取要求:景观设计、建筑设计相关专业背景,211院校均分要求80,非211院校均分要求85,雅思6.5(单项6.0)。The University of Sheffield,谢菲尔德大学MA Landscape Architecture,景观建筑课程设置:First year - Introduction to Landscape Design (a series of design projects, visual and CAD projects and workshops), Landscape Histories, Theories, and Practices, Introduction to Planting Design, Ecological Design and Management, Advanced Planting Design, Introduction to Landscape Construction (including use of CAD), Advanced Construction Design, Social Aspects of Design, Integrated Design Project, Introduction to Landscape Planning, Research Methods, UK field trips and a summer European field trip.Second year – Professional Practice, Law and Contracts; either Landscape Design and Art Practice, or Urban Landscape Planning, or Greenspace Maintenance; either Rural Landscape Planning, or Urban Design Project, or Greenspace Management; Research Report; and a self-directed Special Project which may specialise in one of landscape design, planning or management, or may take a cross-cutting approach. Candidates for the MA also write a 10,000 word Dissertation.录取要求:均分80以上,雅思6.5(单项6.0)Newcastle University,纽卡斯尔大学MA Architecture, Planning and Landscape - Design,建筑、规划与景观设计课程设置:Design ThesisApproaches to Architectural Design (1)Approaches to Architectural Design (2)Advanced Landscape Design Studio (1)Advanced Landscape Design Studio (2)录取要求:均分80以上,雅思6.5(单项6.0)Birmingham City University,伯明翰城市大学MA Landscape Architecture,景观建筑课程设置:Professional PracticeCritical UrbanismCritical DesignInternational StudioResearch Methods – Dissertation/Thesis Design ProjectDesign Thesis Project 1Design Thesis Project 2Design Thesis Project 3 – Technology录取要求:均分75以上,雅思6.5(单项6.0)



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