楼上的回答...中国的一个都木有的 我来贴个世界大学地理系排名吧这个排名是从PSU的网页上copy下来的。Penn State Geography has been ranked as the top Department of Geography inthe United States by the National Research Council (NRC). As quoted from the New York Times (Wednesday September 13 1995, p. B7), the NRC researchers"studied 3,634 academic programs at 274 institutions.... More than 8000 facultymembers participated in evaluating academic programs on the basis of scholarlyquality, educational effectiveness and change in program quality over the pastfive years."The list of rated geography departments follows:1. Pennsylvania State University2. University of Wisconsin-Madison3. University of Minnesota4. University of California-Santa Barbara5. Ohio State University6. University of California-Berkeley (tie for 6)7. Syracuse University (tie for 6)8. University of California-Los Angeles9. Clark University10. University of Washington11. State University of New York-Buffalo12. University of Colorado13. Rutgers14. University of Texas-Austin15. Arizona State University16. University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign17. University of Iowa18. Louisiana State University19. University of Arizona20. University of Kentucky21. University of Georgia22. Univeristy of North Carolina-Chapel Hill23. Johns Hopkins University24. University of Florida25. Indiana University26. University of Kansas27. Boston University28. University of Oregon29. University of Maryland-College Park30. University of Hawaii-Manoa31. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee32. University of Nebraska-Lincoln33. Oregon State University34. University of Utah35. Kent State University36. University of Cincinnati