
求助:Bernhard Schmidt的音标是什么



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Bernhard Schmidt伯恩哈德施密特 伯恩哈德woldemar施密特 ( 1879年 3月30日 -1 935年1 2月1日)是一个爱沙尼亚瑞典配 镜谁住在德国。 .在1930年,他发明了施密特望远镜 ,其中更正为光学误差的球面像差 ,昏迷,和散光,使尽可能为第一次的建设非常大,广泛的直角反射相机的曝光时间短,为天文研究。 内容 [hide]1 童年 2 青年 3 成年 4 米特韦5 贝格朵弗 6施密特相机 去年 7 年 8 个人生活及遗产 9 See also 9 也见 10 External links 10 外部链接 11 Bibliography 11 参考书目 [ edit ] Childhood [ 编辑 ] 童年 Schmidt was the son of Carl Constantin and Marie Helene Christine ( née Rosen) Schmidt.施密特是儿子卡尔诗丹顿和Marie林蕙克里斯汀( née罗森)施密特。 He grew up on the island of Naissaar , off the coast of Reval (Tallinn) , Estonia , then part of the Russian Empire .他成长起来的岛, 内沙岛 ,沿海海面。 Reval (塔林) , 爱沙尼亚 ,然后的一部分, 俄罗斯帝国 。 The inhabitants of this island, mainly Estonian Swedes, generally spoke Swedish or Estonian , but the Schmidt family also spoke German .居民在本岛,主要是爱沙尼亚,瑞典,一般以瑞典语或爱沙尼亚语 ,但施密特家庭也讲德语 。 Bernhard was the oldest of six children, three boys (one of whom died in infancy) and three girls.伯恩哈德是最古老的六个孩子,三个男孩(其中一人死亡,在婴儿期)和3个女孩。 Naissaar was a small, rural island whose population mainly supported themselves through fishing and piloting ships into the port of Reval.内沙岛是一个小,农村岛屿的人口,主要是支持自己通过捕鱼和驾驶船舶进入港口。 Reval 。 With his younger brother August Fredrik, Bernhard Schmidt engaged in many childhood adventures on the island.与他的弟弟弗雷德里克8月,伯恩哈德施密特从事了许多童年的冒险上岛。 He was an extremely inquisitive, inventive, and imaginative young person and adult.他是一个非常探究性,创造性,和富有想象力的年轻人和成人。 For example, when young he built his own camera from a purchased lens and old concertina bellows and succeeded in photographing his local surroundings and various family members, and even sold some of his photos.举例来说,当年轻的他建立了自己的相机,从购买的镜头和旧concertina波纹管,并成功拍摄,他在当地的环境和各家庭成员,甚至出售他的一些照片。 He also became fascinated with the night sky and constellations.他也成为着迷的夜空和星座。 Another adventure, however, proved tragic and marked Schmidt for the rest of his life.另一种冒险,但是,证明了悲惨和显着施密特至于其余的他的生命。 When he was 15 years old, he experimented with gunpowder .当他15岁,他试行了火药 。 He packed an iron pipe with a charge, but through a mistake with the fuse the pipe exploded, and he lost the thumb and index finger of his right hand.他包装一铁管与负责,而是透过一个错误与引信管发生爆炸,和他失去了拇指和食指的右手。 Despite his mother's attempts to clean and bandage the wounds, surgeons in Tallinn later amputated the whole hand along with the forearm.尽管他的母亲的企图清洁和包扎伤口,外科医生在塔林后截肢,整个手随前臂。 This event appears to have deepened his reserve and introspection, qualities well noted by his contemporaries in later life.这一事件似乎已经加深了他的储备和反省,素质,以及他所指出的同时代人在以后的生活。 [ edit ] Youth [ 编辑 ] 青年 In spite of his loss, Schmidt was soon experimenting and inventing again.尽管如此,他的损失,施密特很快试验和发明。 He built a dynamo and got August to crank it.他建立了一个发电机,得到了8月至曲柄。 He also took more photos and became adept at developing and printing them.他还采取了更多照片,并成为善于发展和印刷。 In 1895 he moved to Reval, and for a time worked at retouching photographs.在1895年,他迁移到。 Reval ,和今后一个时期工作,在修饰的照片。 Later he worked for the Volta Electrical Motor Works and became skilled in drafting.后来,他为沃尔特电机工程,并成为熟练的在起草。 In 1901 he went to Gothenburg , Sweden , to study at the Chalmers University of Technology , but soon thereafter switched to the University of Mittweida in the Kingdom of Saxony to further his education.在1901年,他到哥德堡 , 瑞典 ,研究在查尔默斯技术大学 ,但此后不久切换到大学的米特韦达 ,在英国萨克森州 ,以进一步他的教育。 [ edit ] Adulthood [ 编辑 ] 成年 The 2m Schmidt Camera (the Alfred-Jensch Telescope in Tautenburg , Germany )该2米施密特相机(阿尔弗雷德-詹希望远镜在tautenburg , 德国 ) During this period his interest in astronomy and optics increased.在此期间,他的兴趣在天文学和光学增加。 In Mittweida he had hoped to study with Dr. Karl Strehl, a noted optical theorist.在米特韦达,他原本希望研究与博士卡尔strehl ,一位著名的光学理论家。 Strehl, however, had recently departed. strehl然而,最近离开。 Gradually, Schmidt found his true calling, namely the grinding and polishing of highly precise optics for astronomical applications.渐渐地,施密特发现他的真实要求,即研磨和抛光高精度的光学天文数字般的申请。 He seems to have begun the grinding of mirrors sometime around 1901, and thereafter began to sell some of his products to amateur astronomers.他似乎已开始磨镜左右, 1901年,并在其后开始销售他的一些产品,以业余天文学家。 By March 1904, he had made so much progress in his new endeavor that after finishing his studies, he was soon in contact with professionals at the major observatories in Germany.由1904年3月,他已作出了很大的进展,以便在他的新的奋斗后,整理他的研究,他很快就在接触的专业人士在主要观测站,在德国。 His business rapidly took off when noted astronomers such as Hermann Carl Vogel , and Karl Schwarzschild realized the excellence of Schmidt's mirrors for their researches.他的业务迅速起飞时指出,天文学家,如赫尔曼卡尔傅高义 ,和卡尔史瓦西实现了卓越的施密特的镜子,为他们的研究。 [ edit ] Mittweida years [ 编辑 ] 米特韦达年 Between 1904 and 1914, Schmidt's business boomed and he acquired an immense reputation in Germany.之间的1904和1914年,施密特的业务兴旺,他获得了巨大的声誉,在德国。 Not only did he produce some of the most difficult and precise mirrors ever attempted up to that time, but he was entrusted with correcting and improving lenses originally supplied by famous optical houses, for example the 50cm Steinheil visual refractor at the Potsdam Astrophysical Observatory.他不仅产生的一些最困难和最精确的镜子以往任何时候都尝试了这个时间,但他是委托与纠正和改进的镜头原本供应由著名光学家,例如五十零厘米施泰因海尔视觉折射在波茨坦天体物理天文台。 As his business increased, he hired several assistants, two of whom have left valuable accounts of Schmidt's working methods.作为他的业务增加,他雇佣了几名助理,其中两人已离开了宝贵的帐目,施密特的工作方法。 Schmidt also bought an automobile, a rare luxury then, and employed a friend as chauffeur. Schmidt还买了汽车,一种罕见的奢侈品,那么,和雇用的一位朋友作为司机。 Using a long focus horizontal mirror and a plane coelostat, both of his own manufacture, he took impressive photos of the sun, moon, and major planets.使用长焦距的横向一面镜子,和飞机coelostat ,无论是他自己制造的,他令人印象深刻的照片,太阳,月亮,和主要的行星。 When one considers that he did much of the fabrication literally using just one hand, it is difficult not to be astonished at Schmidt's skill.当一个人认为他大部分的制作字面上只用一方面,它是很难不被惊讶,施密特的技巧。 World War I brought the boom to an end. 第一次世界大战后所带来的蓬勃发展上一个句号。 Schmidt was arrested as an enemy-alien, as Estonia belonged to the Russian Empire, and was sent to a internment camp for about six months.施密特被逮捕视为敌人-外国人,爱沙尼亚属于俄罗斯帝国,被送往一营约6个月。 After his release, he remained under police control and some of his suspicious-looking astronomical equipment was confiscated.获释后,他仍受到警方的控制和他的一些看起来可疑的天文设备被没收。 He attempted to continue his business, but as the war dragged on and turned to defeat for Germany, the economy became grim and scientists had no money for astronomy.他企图继续他的业务,但随着战争的拖延下去并转过身去德国战败,成为严峻的经济和科学家没有钱为天文学。 The situation did not improve after the war because of the political turmoil in Germany and the need to pay war reparations.情况没有改善战争结束后,由于政治动荡,在德国和需要支付战争赔款。 Inflation galloped out of control in 1923 and many people lost their entire savings. galloped通货膨胀失去控制,在1923年和很多人失去了他们的整个储蓄。 By the mid-1920s, Schmidt's business was ruined and he had to liquidate his remaining equipment as junk.由半山上世纪20年代,施密特的业务破坏,他要清算他的其余设备为垃圾。 [ edit ] Bergedorf [ 编辑 ] 贝格朵弗 From 1916 onward Schmidt had been in contact with Professor Richard Schorr , the director of the Hamburg Observatory , a facility located outside Hamburg in the countryside near the village of Bergedorf .从1916年起,施密特已经接触的教授理查德schorr ,主任汉堡天文台 ,一个设施位于以外的汉堡在乡下的村附近的贝格朵弗 。 Schorr had become interested in Schmidt's horizontal mirror and coelostat telescope and ordered one to be built for his observatory. schorr已成为有兴趣在施密特的横向一面镜子, coelostat望远镜,并下令一要兴建,他天文台。 After the war when Schmidt's economic situation became increasingly difficult, Schmidt began making overtures to Schorr for some kind of work at the observatory.战争结束后,当施密特的经济形势变得越来越困难,施密特开始序曲,以schorr某种工作时,天文台。 Schorr had only a little to offer: Schmidt could come to Bergedorf and lodge for free; there was repair work to do on the horizontal telescope, for which he would be paid a small fee. schorr只有很少提供:施密特可以来贝格朵弗和投诉,免费;有修复工作要做上醒目的望远镜,他将支付少量费用。 This was in 1926.这是在1926年。 For a time Schmidt did not accept.今后一个时期,施密特没有接受。 He had a number of patents to his credit, one of which involved using a wind-driven propeller to power boats forward.他有一个专利数量,以他的信用,其中涉及利用风力驱动的螺旋桨,以权力的船只前进。 Schmidt hoped to turn this invention into something profitable.施密特希望把这项发明变成有利可图的。 He also went back to Estonia for a family visit and to scout out opportunities in optics, as Estonia had become an independent republic after World War I.他还回到爱沙尼亚,为一个家庭访问,并童军出的机会,在光学,爱沙尼亚已成为一个独立的共和国后,第一次世界大战。 Nothing came of these efforts, and by 1927 Schmidt's prospects were so poor that he accepted Schorr's offer.没有结果出来的这些努力,由1927年施密特的前景,使穷人,他接受schorr的提供。 He began to establish a workshop in the basement of the Main Service Building at the observatory and to repair the horizontal telescope.他开始建立了一个讲习班在地下室的主要服务建设天文台和维修水平的望远镜。 During 1927 and 1929, Schmidt participated in two solar eclipse expeditions mounted by the Hamburg Observatory, the first to northern Sweden and the second to the Philippines .在1927年和1929年,施密特参加了两次日食远征展开,由汉堡天文台表示,首先,瑞典北部和第二次到菲律宾 。 It was during this second trip that Schmidt announced to his companion, the astronomer Walter Baade , the most important invention of Schmidt's lifetime, indeed an invention that revolutionized astronomy and optical design in the second half of the 20th century, namely his wide-angle reflective camera.正是在这一秒之行施密特宣布,他的同伴,天文学家沃尔特与巴德 ,最重要的发明,施密特的一生,的确是一个发明革命性的天文学和光学设计,在第二个20世纪上半叶,即他的广角反射相机。 [ edit ] The Schmidt Camera [ 编辑 ] 施密特相机 Main article: Schmidt Camera 主要文章: 施密特相机 Astronomers had long wished for a way to photograph large swathes of the sky quickly for the purpose of surveying the visible contents of the universe and seeing large-scale structures.天文学家已久的希望的方式来拍摄大片天空很快为目的的测量,有形的内容,宇宙看到大型的结构。 Ordinary telescopes up till Schmidt's time showed narrow fields of view, typically measuring 1 or 2 degrees in diameter.普通望远镜直至施密特的时间显示,狭窄的领域来看,通常测量1或2度,直径。 Surveying the whole sky with such telescopes required an enormous investment of time and resources over years and (because of the narrow views) tended to miss large structures.测量整个天空与望远镜等需要巨额投资的时间和资源多年来和(因为狭窄的意见)往往错过大型结构。 It was possible to see large swathes with small camera lenses, but then faint (and hence far away) objects would remain invisible.这是可以看到大片的小照相机镜头,但后来晕倒(因此远离)的物体将继续无形。 What was needed was large aperture cameras possessing wide fields of good imaging properties ("definition"), and fast focal ratios to decrease exposure times.所需要的是大口径相机拥有广泛领域的 ultimate design, which involved a novel, indeed bold departure from traditional optical designs.根据与巴德,他已经放弃了至少一个解决方案,已经,当他终于击中后,他的最终设计,这涉及到一种新型的,事实上,大胆偏离传统的光学设计。 Schmidt realized that by employing a large spherically shaped mirror (instead of the normal paraboloidal mirror of a reflector telescope) and a smaller apertured diaphragm placed at the center of curvature of the mirror, he could at a stroke eliminate coma and astigmatism.施密特认识到雇用一个大球型镜(而不是正常的抛物面反射镜的反射望远镜)和一个较小的光阑膜片放置在中心曲率的镜子,他可以在消除中风昏迷和散光。 He would be left, however, with spherical aberration which is just as damaging to image sharpness.他会离开,不过,与球面像差这是正如损害形象敏锐性。 His boldness lies in realizing that he could eliminate the spherical aberration by placing a thin, very weakly curved lens ("correction plate") of special smooth shape (convex near its middle, concave near its periphery, and flat in between) at the same location as the apertured diaphragm.他的勇气,就在于实现,他可以消除球面像差放置一个薄,非常弱弯曲镜头( “校正板” )的特别顺利形状(凸近其中,凹附近及其周边地区,并在单位之间的)在同位置作为光阑膈肌。 In this way, very neatly and simply he could construct a large camera of f/1.75 or even faster, that would give sharp images across a field more than 15 degrees in diameter, making it possible to image large swathes of sky with short exposures (on the order of a few minutes versus an hour or more with a conventional reflector).就这样,非常整齐,只是他可以兴建一个大型的相机f/1.75 ,甚至更快,这将使鲜明的图像跨越领域的超过15度,直径,从而有可能的形象,大片的天空与短期暴露(对秩序的几分钟银两一小时或以上,与传统反射) 。 His first camera had an aperture of about 360mm or 14.5" in diameter, and a focal ratio of f/1.75. It is now housed in a museum at the Hamburg Observatory . Schmidt's combining of diverse optical elements (a special mirror, a diaphragm at a particular location, and a "correction plate") into a simple catadioptric system, based on reasoning from first principles, was epoch making. In particular, the "correction plate" was like nothing ever seen before in telescope design. After Schmidt a flood of new catadioptric designs appeared in the subsequent decades. But none can match the simplicity together with the optical excellence of the Schmidt system.他的第一个相机的光圈约三百六十零毫米或14.5 “ ,直径,和一个焦点的比例f/1.75 ,这是现在住在一个博物馆在汉堡天文台 。施密特的结合,不同的光学元件(特别是一面镜子,一膜片在某一地点,和“校正板” )到一个简单的折制度的基础上,推理,从第一的原则,是划时代的决策。具体来说, “校正板”一样,没有见过之前,在望远镜设计后,施密特洪水新折的设计出现在随后的几十年,但没有人能够配合简单连同光学卓越的施密特系统。 [ edit ] Last years [ 编辑 ] 过去几年 Schmidt built his first camera in 1930.施密特建立了他的第一相机于1930年。 He employed a very clever method (the so-called "vacuum pan" method) to make the difficult "corrector plate," so that the system gave superb images.他雇用了很聪明的方法(即所谓的“真空潘”的方法)使难“校正板” ,使这种制度了高超的图像。 The vacuum pan involved carefully warping the glass lens under partial vacuum and then polishing a smooth curve into it.真空潘涉及仔细翘曲玻璃镜头下的局部真空,然后抛光一光滑曲线到它。 After release of the vacuum, the lens would spring back into the "Schmidt shape" needed for the camera.获释后的真空,镜头将春天重新纳入“施密特形状”所需要的相机。 No one had ever made a lens in this way before.没有人以往任何时候都作出了镜头,在这之前的方式。 Schmidt published a brief account (in German ) of his invention in professional publications, and offered to build his cameras for professional observatories.施密特发表了一份简短的帐户(在德国 )他的发明在专业刊物,并提供建立他的相机的专业观测站。 Unfortunately, his publicity was too little and his design was too novel.不幸的是,他的宣传太少和他的设计过于新颖。 Moreover, the invention coincided with the beginning of the Great Depression .此外,发明正好与开始经济大萧条 。 No orders came in and he remained dependent on Schorr and Bergedorf for a modest income from occasional jobs till the end of his life.没有订单,在和他仍依赖于schorr和贝格朵弗一个温和的收入,偶尔工作到年底他的生命。 He produced a larger camera in 1934 and reground the 60cm Bergedorf-Steinheil photographic refractor as well.他产生了较大的相机在1934年和reground该60厘米贝格朵弗-施泰因海尔摄影折射以及。 Schmidt fell ill at the end of November 1935 after a business trip to Leiden in the Netherlands .施密特病倒在去年底1935年11月后,出差去莱顿在荷兰 。 Despite attempts at treatment, he died on December 1 , 1935 at the age of 56.尽管有人企图在治疗,不久他就死在1935年 12月1日在年满56 。 An autopsy revealed that he was suffering from a lung infection. 验尸报告显示,他患有肺部感染。 [ edit ] Personal Life & Legacy [ 编辑 ] 个人生活及遗产 Schmidt never married and had no children.施密特从未结婚,并没有子女。 Soon after his death through the advocacy of Walter Baade when he arrived at the Mount Wilson Observatory in the United States, the Schmidt telescope idea took off.后不久,他的去世,通过宣传瓦尔特与巴德当他抵达位于威尔逊山天文台在美国,施密特望远镜的想法脱掉。 An 18" Schmidt was produced in 1938 and then ten years later, the famous 48" Samuel Oschin Schmidt-telescope was built at Mount Palomar Observatory . 1 18 “ ,施密特是在1938年制作,然后十年后,著名的48条” 黄秉槐oschin施密特望远镜建在山帕洛马天文台 。 This last telescope produced a flood of new observations and information.这个最后的望远镜产生了大量新的意见和信息。 It proved the brilliance of the Schmidt concept beyond doubt.它证明了华晨的施密特的概念,无庸置疑的。 Subsequently at Bergedorf in 1955 a large, well-constructed Schmidt was dedicated.随后在贝格朵弗在1955年大,以及建造施密特是专用。 But the 2-meter Schmidt telescope of the Karl Schwarzschild Observatory remains the largest Schmidt camera in the world.但2米的施密特望远镜的卡尔史瓦西天文台仍然是最大的施密特相机,在世界上。 [ edit ] See also [ 编辑 ] See also :['bə:n,hɑ:d] [ʃmit]

求助:Bernhard Schmidt的音标是什么


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