具体专业可到相关学校网站查询,名校的专业都比较全,工商管理一般是商学院课程。比如排名第一的:普林斯顿大学,供本科学生可读的专业有:航天工程、应用数学、建筑工程学、建筑学、天体物理学、生物工程学、生物学、生物科学、化学工程学、化学、民用工程、认知科学、计算机科学、计算机工程、生态学、电子工程、能源管理技术、工程及应用科学、工程管理、工程物理、环境工程、环境科学、进化生物学、生物工程、地理学、地质学、管理工程、机械工程、分子生物学、物理学、机器人学、运输工程、非洲研究、美洲研究、人类学、考古学、艺术、美术、艺术史、美洲、非洲黑人研究、中文、古典文学、比较文学、写作、东亚研究、经济学、英语、欧洲研究、德语及文学、历史、人文学科、国际研究、拉美研究、语言学、音乐、中东/近东研究、哲学、政治科学/政治学、心理学、公众事务及政策研究、宗教研究、拉丁语、俄罗斯及斯拉夫研究、斯拉夫语、社会学、统计学、剧院艺术/戏剧、妇学研究。商学院提名第一的宾夕法尼亚大学拥有四所本科学院 人文科学学院 工程与应用科学学院 护理学院 沃顿商学院 学校的教育着重于培养学生跨领域的学习与研究能力,学校允许本科生选修所有本科生学院与研究生院的课程,并可以从一些周围院校中选修学分。 研究生与专业项目 以下是宾夕法尼亚大学开设的研究项目 安尼博传媒学院 教育学院 法学院 人文科学学院 口腔医学院 设计学院 工程与应用科学学院 医学院 护理学院 公共关系学院 兽医学院 沃顿商学院 学校现已成为拥有12所学院,几百个系、研究所和研究中心的世界一流研究型大学。 院系设置 宾大现有的12个学院分别是:文理、商业管理、工程、医学、护理、牙医、兽医、法学、设计与规划、教育、社会工作和通讯学院。 文理学院 从富兰克林时代起,学校除了传统的古典文学、历史、哲学等课程外,还开设了自然科学和现代语言方面的课程,发展至今,文理学院已拥有28个系及500多位固定教师,开设人文、自然科学和社会科学方面的各种课程,学院还设有研究生部,包括37个研究生教育小组,开设各种文学硕士、理科硕士和哲学博士学位课程,其中人类学、经济学、艺术史、语言学、心理学、音乐和拉丁语等7种研究生学位课程在全美名列前10名。 沃顿学院 1881年约瑟夫·沃顿在宾大创办了美国第一所大学商业管理学院。现在的沃顿学院已进入世界一流商学院之列,共有4个教育分部和24个研究中心。在1992年美国《商业周刊》对全美20所最好商学院的排名中,沃顿学院名列第4位。沃顿的研究工作几乎涉及商学的所有方面。 工程与应用科学学院 从富兰克林时代起,宾大就从未放弃过探寻新技术以造福人类的努力,工程学院正是这种精神的产物,并使之成为全美最好的工程学院之一。学院除开设工程学学士学位课程外,还开设工程学硕士和哲学博士学位课程。全院共有一个学院(莫尔电子工程学院)和8个系(电子工程与科学系、计算机与信息科学系、系统工程系、生物工程系、化学与生物化学工程系、民用与城市工程系、机械工程与应用力学系和材料科学工程系),其中化学与生物化学工程系是美国最早开设化学工程学士学位课程的系科之一;已有100多年历史的民用与城市工程系开设了宾大第一个工程学课程;莫尔学院以其卓越的研究生教育和科研工作赢得了国际声誉。 医学院 成立于1765年,是北美洲第一所医学院,二百多年来一直是美国医学教育及研究的前沿阵地。宾大的医学研究人员是第一批X射线中部分射线的制造者;他们在生理学上的突破性创新使对大陆架作深海探险成为可能;发现和发展了肺炎疫苗,及骨折电疗技术。宾大医学院创建了美国第一个皮肤病学系、神经病学系及外科研究系。宾大的大学医院是美国第一所教学医院,创建至今一直是美国医学教育与研究中心之一。 牙医学院 是全美唯一同时拥有3所由联邦政府资助的研究所的牙医学院。其口腔卫生研究中心侧重生物学基础研究,在充分利用本院科研力量的基础上,还吸引了宾大其它学科领域的科学家参加中心的科研项目,牙周病研究中心的研究课题之一是对导致青少年牙齿快速脱落的牙周病的研究;临床研究中心则主要研究各种治疗方法的应用和功效,例如目前科研人员正进行电动牙托的功效和拔牙后止痛药物的功效的研究等。 护理学院 创建于20世纪20年代,是美国护理专业教育的先锋,它通过培养大批合格毕业生不断向人们证明护士在医疗保健系统中的重要作用。 兽医学院 已有100多年的历史,在培养兽医的生物科学家方面处于领先地位,重视基础科学研究方面具有非凡的远见。 法学院 创建于1790年,是美国最早开设法学教育的大学之一。也是美国最负声誉的法学院之一。 美术研究生院 创建于1890年,是培养能美化自然和社会环境、提高人们生活质的人才――建筑师、规划师、历史文物维护专家、画家、雕塑家和版画家等的基地之一,在实力雄厚的教师队伍中有许多是美国一流的艺术家。 阿能伯格通讯学院 成立于1959年,主要开设通讯文学硕士和哲学博士学位课程。目前的研究课题有:孩童对州长和总统选举的理解程度,通讯在改善发展中国家医疗保健中的作用,新的通讯技术在偏僻的阿巴拉契亚山区的发展潜力等。 教育研究生院 学院一向以为教育服务作为永久性宗旨,并通过3个途径来实现:为教育系统各层的学校培养教育者如学校负责人、导师、阅读专家、学校心理学家的顾问、教师以及研究人员等;培养从事基础教育研究的学者;学院自身的研究人员积极参与各种教育课题的研究。 社会工作学院 建于19世纪末,主要开设硕士和博士学位课程,教学中非常重视理论与实践相结合的原则,学生必须花一半甚至更多的时间用于实践活动。 另外值得一提的是沃顿学院下属的公共与城市政策学院。它的前身是1937年由塞缪尔·弗尔斯帮助创立的当地与州政府研究所。1969年研究所成为一个面向全国的弗尔斯政府研究中心,并新开设公共政策分析方面的博士学位课程。1974年,宾大在上述中心的基础上正式创办公共与城市政策学院,扩大了教学研究和公共服务的规模。目前学院主要开设公共政策分析和能源管理与政策两方面的硕士及博士学位课程。另外学院还开设众多的继续教育学位与非学位课程,如为政府行政管理人员开设的政府管理硕士学位课程。 美国本科商学院排名BW 2006 Rank,School Name and Location,School Type,Length,Annual CostEnrollment ,Students Ranked, Med. Starting Salary,Academic QualityIndex ,Faculty/Student Ratio ,SAT Avg. ,Teaching Quality ,Facilities and Services,Job Placement 1 Pennsylvania (Wharton) Philadelphia Private 4 Teaching quality, high-caliber classmates, and top recruiters draw raves. Environment is too competitive for some. 2 Virginia (McIntire) Charlottesville Public 2 Workload is intense, but students love the real-world core curriculum. Biggest strengths: finance and accounting. 3 Notre Dame (Mendoza) South Bend, Ind. Private 3 Students praise the school's focus on ethics and say career- services office does a great job preparing students for business. 4 MIT (Sloan) Cambridge, Mass. Private 3 $ 32,300 292 4 $ 55,000 18 92 1:13.0 1477 A+ A+ A+ Praise for high quality classmates and recruiting efforts pushes Sloan to No. 4. 5 Emory (Goizueta) Atlanta Private 2 $ 30,794 550 1 $ 50,000 10 89 1:11.0 1333 A+ A+ A+ Students rave about well-rounded education but feel that the school attracts few top recruiters outside of the Southeast. 6 Michigan (Ross) Ann Arbor Public 2 $ 10,524 728 31 $ 52,000 14 88 1:12.8 1332 B C A+ Students benefit from small cohorts and the focus on job placement, but some say services are lacking. 7 NYU (Stern) New York Private 4 $ 32,540 2265 21 $ 52,000 6 85 1:11.5 1422 A B A+ NYC attracts recruiters and speakers, and international focus is a plus. But competitive classmates are a turn off. 8 Brigham Young (Marriott) Provo, Utah Private 3 $ 3,620 1792 7 $ 45,000 31 81 1:14.5NAA A+ A Stellar accounting program and ethics-based education wow many. But student body is 98% Mormon and may not be for everybody. 9 Texas (McCombs) Austin Public 4 $ 7,438 3999 13 $ 47,000 30 81 1:29.2 1304 A B A+ Well-respected honors program receives high marks, but some feel that educational quality elsewhere is uneven. 10 Indiana (Kelley) Bloomington Public 4 $ 7,112 3671 8 $ 44,000 26 80 1:20.0 1189 A A A+ Facilities need upgrading, but real-world curriculum and helpful career-services office catapults school into top 10. 11 North Carolina (Kenan-Flagler) Chapel Hill Public 2 $ 4,700 670 10 $ 45,000 7 79 1:6.8 1319 A A A Resources and teaching get thumbs up at UNC, but out-of-the-way location hurts recruiting and diversity. 12 UC Berkeley (Haas) Berkeley, Calif. Public 2 $ 7,434 700 19 $ 53,000 8 79 1:7.4 1341 A A A Program is challenging and rewarding, but lacks the MBA program's diverse student body and premier career services. 13 Georgetown (McDonough) Washington, D.C. Private 4 $ 31,656 1271 33 $ 50,000 12 79 1:16.8 1370 A+ C A Teaching is first-rate and a new classroom facilitity is on the way. Some feel recruiting is too focused on financial firms. 14 Cornell Ithaca, N.Y. Private 4 $ 17,367 709 5 $ 45,000 32 79 1:16.9NAA+ A+ A Ivy League benefits include top-notch education and plenty of resources--although some classes are overcrowded. 15 Washington U. (Olin) St. Louis Private 4 $ 32,042 736 15 $ 50,000 16 77 1:11.0 1451 A A+ B Faculty is talented and helpful, but many students feel not enough top companies recruit on campus. 16 Carnegie Mellon Pittsburgh Private 4 $ 31,650 495 58 $ 55,000 2 75 1:5.0 1381 B C C Focus on quantitative skills sometimes comes at expense of soft skills, but the program is becoming more well-rounded. 17 Miami U. (Farmer) Oxford, Ohio Public 4 $ 9,636 3975 32 $ 40,000 21 73 1:17.0 1230 B A B Classes can be too large, but students give high marks to the new honors program's high-caliber professors and classmates. 18 Lehigh Bethlehem, Pa. Private 4 $ 31,180 1208 28 $ 50,000 13 71 1:20.1 1291 A B A New financial-services lab and strong accounting program are impressive, but recruiting is too accounting-focused. 19 Villanova Villanova, Pa. Private 4 $ 29,730 1798 18 $ 45,000 22 70 1:19.0 1273 A+ B A High marks go to committed professors and a curriculum rooted in the real world. But some say the student body lacks diversity. 20 SMU (Cox) Dallas Private 4 $ 26,880 939 9 $ 45,000 20 70 1:13.2 1339 A+ A+ A Students praise the helpful career services center and small class sizes. Good mix of classmates is needed. 21 USC (Marshall) Los Angeles Private 4 $ 32,008 3822 22 $ 50,000 42 69 1:18.7 1351 A B A+ Students value the international focus and strong alumni network at Marshall, but many feel the grading curve is unfair. 22 Illinois Urbana-Champaign Public 4 $ 9,934 2916 37 $ 47,000 37 67 1:24.0 1300 C B A A first-class accounting program and career services win praise, but overcrowded classes hurt teaching quality. 23 Boston College (Carroll) Boston Private 4 $ 30,950 2000 29 $ 47,000 24 67 1:23.0 1314 A A A A well-rounded education based on Jesuit values leaves many satisfied. Academic advising could use improvement. 24 Wake Forest (Calloway) Winston-Salem, N.C. Private 2 $ 32,140 383 39 $ NA9 67 1:11.0 1302 A+ A A "They don't call it Work Forest for nothing," says one student of the challenging coursework and tough grading policy. 25 Richmond (Robins) Richmond, Va. Private 2 $ 34,850 594 46 $ 47,500 3 66 1:11.0 1315 A+ B B Students heap praise on Richmond's hands-on teaching, but are disappointed with recruiting that's too regional. 26 Minnesota (Carlson) Minneapolis Public 4 $ 9,382 1621 24 $ 43,500 19 65 1:12.9 1283 B B A+ Students get outstanding career preparation, but say that the teaching is uneven and some courses are too easy. 27 Wisconsin Madison Public 2 $ 6,220 1213 16 $ 43,500 25 64 1:15.8 1260 B A A Students praise the business career center and the "work hard, play hard" mentality of being a business major at UW. 28 Babson Babson Park, Mass. Private 4 $ 30,496 1725 48 $ 45,000 5 63 1:11.4 1263 A+ B B Babson profs receive high marks, but intense business orientation leaves little room for anything else. 29 Michigan State (Broad) East Lansing Public 2 $ 9,218 2341 25 $ 43,000 48 63 1:22.0NAB B A Students give high marks to supply chain management program and Lear Career Services Center, but feel the teaching could use work. 30 Boston U. Boston Private 4 $ 31,966 1806 51 $ 45,000 15 62 1:18.0 1283 B B C Students praise the program's team-based approach. But many say tough grading policies are a problem. 31 Bentley Waltham, Mass. Private 4 $ 28,614 3761 42 $ 42,500 17 62 1:12.0 1220 A B B Small classes are a plus, but for some the recruiting is too focused on accounting and finance. 32 Penn State (Smeal) University Park, Pa. Public 4 $ 13,110 4797 23 $ 41,400 51 61 1:43.0 1197 B A A Core courses can be overcrowded. But first-class trading floor and $4.7 million student-run investment fund are tops. 33 Texas Christian (Neeley) Ft. Worth Private 4 $ 26,140 1520 20 $ 48,148 34 60 1:17.8 1162 A A B Professors receive high marks for being accessible and dedicated, but student body may lack diversity. 34 Texas A & M (Mays) College Station Public 4 $ 6,234 3831 12 $ 40,000 50 60 1:28.2 1218 B A+ A Students enjoy the many extracurricular activities and clubs that the school offers. But academic advisers are in short supply. 35 James Madison Harrisonburg, Va. Public 4 $ 6,081 3464 14 $ 42,100 45 60 1:29.0 1167 A A+ B Students enjoy program offered in the junior year that requires them to develop a business plan. 36 Maryland (Smith) College Park Public 4 $ 7,821 2703 30 $ 46,000 39 60 1:21.0 1360 B A B Upper-level courses are far superior to lower-level courses, which include too many "straight-from-the-book" lectures. 37 Northeastern Boston Private 4 $ 28,800 3121 27 $ 45,000 29 59 1:25.0 1225 B A A+ Students are required to participate in as many as three six-month-long co-ops, or work projects, during the program; many find them valuable. 38 Baylor (Hankamer) Waco, Texas Private 4 $ 27,943 2508 17 $ 41,303 35 59 1:19.3 1169 A A+ B Students praise a unique major that guarantees an internship with a professional sports team after completing the program. 39 Iowa (Tippie) Iowa City Public 4 $ 5,855 1435 44 $ 37,500 43 59 1:14.0 1176 C B C Teaching quality varies greatly, but entrepreneurship program and new career center win praise. 40 Georgia (Terry) Athens Public 2 $ 16,848 2082 11 $ 40,000 49 59 1:19.0 1212 B A+ B Some programs, such as accounting and risk management, receive high marks, but other students get lost in the shuffle. 41 George Washington Washington, D.C. Private 4 $ 36,387 1456 55 $ 42,750 23 54 1:24.0 1260 C B C Some consider program "extremely overpriced," but being in the nation's capital adds value. 42 Syracuse (Whitman) Syracuse, N.Y. Private 4 $ 28,970 1510 50 $ 46,185 28 54 1:24.0 1191 B C C Recruiters for financial services companies are few and far between, but profs are helpful with networking. 43 Ohio State (Fisher) Columbus Public 4 $ 8,718 2890 35 $ 42,000 54 54 1:28.0 1185 C A B Honors accounting program is praised, but profs should spend more time teaching and less time on research. 44 U. of Miami Miami, Fla. Private 4 $ 21,587 1984 26 $ 42,000 46 52 1:30.0 1246 B B B Mentoring program that pairs business majors with local executives wows students, but teaching quality varies. 45 Purdue (Krannert) W. Lafayette, Ind. Public 4 $ 8,032 2508 43 $ 40,841 44 51 1:23.4 1159 C B B Teaching assistants are poor substitutes for real profs, but students leave management program well-prepared for the job hunt. 46 Marquette Milwaukee, Wisc. Private 4 $ 25,074 1487 45 $ 42,000 38 50 1:24.4 1199 A B B Students enjoy the downtown Milwaukee locale but wish more high-caliber companies would recruit for internships. 47 Florida (Warrington) Gainesville Public 4 $ 3,180 4765 38 $ 40,000 56 49 1:54.0 1300 B B B Online classes are convenient, but some say they谇e too impersonal and detract from the overall learning experience.48 Fordham New York Private 4 $ 28,335 1784 57 $ 52,500 36 48 1:22.7 1190 B C B Core courses in first two years not challenging enough, but students like career opportunities in NYC area. 49 Denver (Daniels) Denver Private 4 $ 28,410 1828 34 $ 35,000 40 47 1:22.0 1150 B A C Talented profs and the hospitality program's study-abroad requirement win praise. Many view classmates as immature.50 Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Public 4 $ 12,692 1652 54 $ 40,000 41 46 1:31.0 1231 B C C