







力反馈键盘,就是每个键的软硬度可以单独、独立调节。键盘,Keyboard,每个键的手感,力度,Feel each key, the intensity,独立可调。Independently adjustable.这是改革开放前开展的工作。This work is carried out before reform and opening up.图纸和完善的设计基础细节,对于卡西欧公司、雅马哈公司,Drawings and details of the perfect design basis for Casio, Yamaha,十多年前就完全公开。Ten years ago completely open.这属于用户、演奏者自主调节,目前国际上顶级的调音人员。It belongs to the user, the player self-regulation, the international staff on top of the console.而且,可以远程、异地设置这些参数、遥测演奏者的综合击键过程。Also, remote, remote comprehensive set of keystrokes process these parameters, the player's telemetry.无论是钢琴键盘、计算机键盘,每个键的手感、力度,都可以在现场立即可调节,其他大量的力学参数都是这样可以调节。Whether piano keyboard, computer keyboard, each key feel, intensity, can be adjusted immediately at the scene, a large number of other mechanical parameters are like this it can be adjusted.要纳斯达克(Nasdaq)股票市场(新浪,搜狐,百度都选择在纳斯达克上市) 的操盘手 、London Stock Market 伦敦股票市场的操盘手、东京股票市场、New York Stock Exchange的操盘手, NYSE 纽约证券交易所的操盘手用上下一代键盘、标准配置的力反馈键盘;送到Coordinating Committee, COCOM 巴黎统筹委员会、International Monetary Found, IMF 国际货币基金组织、Midland Bank,Ltd. 米兰银行、United Bank of Switzerland 瑞士联合银行;装到法国香榭丽舍(香榭里舍大道 Avenue des Champs Elysees)香榭丽舍大道(Champs-Elysées)、拉德芳斯(La Défense)大街柜员机上、装到美国纽约曼哈顿区林荫大道(Park Avenue)大街柜员机上、装到日本银座大街和日本东京都新宿大街 Shinjuku Odori Shopping Street柜员机上、装到意大利米兰和佛罗伦萨大街柜员机上、装到英国伦敦牛津街Oxford Street 和剑桥大街Cambridge streer柜员机上。 To NASDAQ (Nasdaq) stock market (Sina, Sohu, Baidu listed on NASDAQ have chosen) Trader, London Stock Market London stock market trader, Tokyo stock market, New York Stock Exchange trader, NYSE New York Trader Stock exchange to spend the next keyboard, force feedback keyboard standard configuration; to the Coordinating Committee, COCOM COCOM, International Monetary Found, IMF International Monetary Fund, Midland Bank, Ltd Midland Bank, United Bank of Switzerland. Union Bank of Switzerland; attached to the French Champs Elysees (Champs Elysees Avenue des Champs Elysees) Champs Elysees (Champs-Elysées), La Défense (La Défense) teller Avenue, Manhattan, New York to the United States loaded Boulevard District (Park Avenue) street teller machines, mounted on Japanese streets of Ginza and tokyo, Japan Shinjuku Shinjuku Odori Shopping street teller Avenue, mounted to the streets of Milan and Florence, Italy ATM, attached to London, Cambridge and Oxford street Oxford street street Cambridge streer teller machines.将中国独步全球的下一代键盘安装在中国载人航天器上。China leads the world in the next generation of keyboard mounted on the Chinese manned spacecraft.应当在每年4月份广州乐器展览会;5月份北京乐器展览会;10月份上海乐器展览会上展示;应进军2010年上海国际博览会;消费电子展CES;为2009年建国60周年华诞献礼;在每年的德国汉诺威信息展览会;每年10月5日至9日(日内瓦当地时间),在瑞士日内瓦举行有“电信奥运会”之称的ITU World 2010(世界电信展);每年8月份德国柏林国际消费电子展IFA上展出,这是社会责任。In April of each year shall be the instrument Guangzhou Exhibition; Beijing musical instrument exhibition in May; October impressions on Shanghai Instrument Exhibition; should enter the 2010 Shanghai International Expo; Consumer Electronics Show CES; 2009 60th anniversary birthday gift; each year Hanover Fair in Germany; every year 5 to 9 October (Geneva local time), held in Geneva, Switzerland, the "telecommunications Olympics," said the ITU World 2010 (Telecom World); every year in August in Berlin, Germany international consumer Electronics IFA exhibition on display, this is a social responsibility.中国力学院士中,最权威的老行尊,Chinese Academy of Mechanics, the most authoritative statue old line,公认的两位,就是在过去的大连工学院,Recognized two is in the past Dalian Institute of Technology,其中一位姓钱,Wherein surnamed Qian,另一位姓钟,Another surnamed Zhong,他们两位,Both of them,包括全体的中国力学院士,Including all the Chinese Academy of Sciences mechanics,在十多年前,A decade ago,都反复收到了全部的工程技术文件,Have repeatedly received all of the engineering and technical documents,原型的照片,Prototype photos,控制是用模拟计算机完成的,Control is accomplished by computer simulation,解析力学方程,Analytical mechanics equations其设计和调试难度,The design and debugging difficult,远远高于数字计算机。Much higher than the digital computer.英文打字机键盘、中文打字机键盘、计算机的各种键盘(机械的、电容的、超薄的、导电橡胶的,等等),传统钢琴的键盘,各种电子琴的键盘,柜员机键盘,工业控制装置的键盘,仪表的键盘,军事English typewriter keyboard, Chinese typewriter keyboard, a variety of computer keyboard (mechanical, capacitive, ultra-thin, conductive rubber, etc.), traditional piano keyboard, a variety of electronic organ keyboard, ATM keyboards, industrial control devices keyboard, keyboard instruments, military,装备的键盘,Equipment keyboard,其触键过程,俺早就有相当详细的描述,Its touch key process, it has long been described in considerable detail,这可不是那么简单地“轻重”那么肤浅的认识。This is not so simply "weight" so superficial understanding.只能够说,I can only say,全球的以上相关行业,Related industries around the world over,包括家里一直有传统钢琴的钱11、钱22,Including the home has been the tradition piano Qian Xuesen, Qian Weichang,历史上所有的钢琴制造者、演奏者,Including the home has been the tradition piano Qian Weichang,从未有如此程度的说明,There has never been such a degree of explanation,更不可能建立完整的力学动力学解析式,Impossible to establish a more complete mechanical dynamics analysis formula,也不可能建立全球的各种动力学标准。It is impossible to establish the various dynamics of global standards.通过这些工作,Through these efforts,和国际上无先例的庞大的、完善的、精确的装备,And internationally unprecedented huge, perfect, precise equipment,能够全面地,客观地,准确地,科学地,描述、分析、比较各种键盘的微小区别。It can be comprehensively and objectively, accurately and scientifically, describe, analyze, compare various minor differences keyboard.那些啥子要大师来感觉手感,要打游戏的高手来评述,To be master of wisdom for those who feel the feeling, master fight game to comment,都是无科学依据的瞎扯。Is no scientific basis for the gab.对于传统的钢琴,For the traditional piano,直接要显示出具体每个小零件的各种、各种动力学的影响。To display a variety of direct, concrete impact of each small part of the various dynamics.中国人最仰慕的“科学”杂志、“自然”杂志,Journal of Chinese people most admired "Science", "Nature" magazine,可从来没有发表过这个档次的论文。But he never published this grade papers.这种调节,This adjustment,是在完全不使用机械工具的前提之下,It is completely under the premise of using the machine tool,通过计算机,Via computer,对于击弦机构的每个零件的尺寸改变、装配和传动相对位置的改变,Action mechanisms for changing the size of each part, and the drive assembly relative position change,等等,And so on,都可以调节。对于有的调节,It can be adjusted.是在连续演奏的过程中,For some adjustment,由演奏者即兴地、实时地调节。Playing in a continuous process,Impromptu, real-time adjustment by the player.涉及到律制、整体结构变化、音板、结构载荷变化等其他的调节。Involve other law regulating the system, the overall change in structure, sound board, structural loads change.这可不是什么美国麻省理工大学、斯坦福大学等世界顶级大学的教授所开拓的领域。This is not a professor at the University of Massachusetts the world's top universities, like Stanford University to develop the field.那些用数学手段,通过扬声器产生的效果没有难度。Those mathematical means, the effect produced by the speaker is no difficulty.而在事实上,电钢琴无疑是彻底的垃圾啦,传统钢琴有许多本质上的缺陷,In fact, the electric piano is undoubtedly refuse it completely, there are many shortcomings of traditional piano nature,延迟大、不灵敏、不清晰。Delay large, dead, is not clear.连这些个基础性能都无法提高,Even these can not be a basis to improve performance,何谈变革和改进。What about the changes and improvements.这是一种可以将钢琴分为几个大组件分别拆卸、分开运输、便于进入电梯轿厢、易于人力抬上楼梯,可以快捷组装合并,解体后再反复安装不影响音质、不影响音律、音色不变的结构。This is a piano can be divided into several large components are disassembled, transported separately, easy to enter the elevator car, easy manpower carried stairs, you can quickly assemble the merger, disintegration and then repeated installation does not affect the sound quality does not affect the temperament, sound invariant structure.自动追随,Automatically follow,自动生成,Automatically generated,不受到人类双手展开和的手指展开宽度的限制,Not by human hands and fingers to expand the width of the expanded limits,在键盘的全范围,自动完成机械击弦动作的敲打键杆的和弦产生动作,The full range of the keyboard, auto-complete mechanical hammers banging action key chord rods generate action,





当然硬的好啦锻炼手指吗那样以后软的硬的都好弹啊 只弹软的以后硬的就不行了。。。。。


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