iow释义:abbr. 换句话说(in other words);(英国)怀特岛(Isle of Wight)例句:Well, it 's his temperature. It' s. It 's five degrees iow.他的体温,。
比正常体温低了五度。More and more artists are using this kind of art method which is Iow cost.更多的艺术家因而选择了这种低成本的专业的艺术创作方式。
iow释义:abbr. 换句话说(in other words);(英国)怀特岛(Isle of Wight)例句:Well, it 's his temperature. It' s. It 's five degrees iow.他的体温,。
比正常体温低了五度。More and more artists are using this kind of art method which is Iow cost.更多的艺术家因而选择了这种低成本的专业的艺术创作方式。