
上海英国学校的建立 Establish



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英国Nord Anglia教育集团 于2002年9月10日建立上海英国学校浦东校区。

Nord Anglia在全球共有31所国际学校,遍布于亚洲,欧洲,中东及美洲。全球共有超过17000名学生。The school was founded in 2002 by Nord Anglia Education of England. Nord Anglia Education operates31 international schools worldwide in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and America. These independent international schools teach over 17,000 pupils worldwide. 多年来,上海英国学校浦东校区一直致力于为学生提供更加良好的学习及生活环境。在2002年建校时,这里只是一个拥有50名学生的小型国际学校。经过多年的快速发展,在2004年时,上海英国学校浦东校区新建成一座独立的健身馆,餐厅和一幢三层教学楼已满足日常需求。在2007年,由于新一轮的扩张,上海英国学校浦东校区又为高年级学生建成一幢设施齐全的三层教学楼,剧院, 游泳池及体操馆。2013年,学校在原有的校区上进行改建,新建的人行天桥将各个教学楼连接成一个整体。新一轮的新建和改建将在不远的未来实施。上海英国学校浦东校区仍将继续努力为学生提供更加优良的设施及更好的教学体验。The school started in 2002, with a small campus building and 50 pupils. The school grew rapidly, necessitating the construction of a 3 storey facility with bespoke gym and catering facilities in 2004. In 2007, further expansion saw the construction of two more 3 storey buildings for secondary students, a theatre, swimming pool and Dojo.In 2013, further work was completed on the campus, creating new conceptual classroom spaces and a ‘Skywalk’, a bridge to connect two buildings. Further expansion is expected to happen within the next few years. 室内设施 多媒体教室学习中心(图书馆)三个操场(包括一个人造草皮的操场)两个健身馆体操馆标准游泳池剧院戏剧表演教室舞蹈教室咖啡厅室外设施两个篮球场运动场半开放式幼儿园活动中心(室外)学校坐落于康桥半岛,交通便利,距离上海市市中心区仅有10公里(30分钟车程)。Facilities includeThe Hive Mac SuiteThe Learning Centre Library3 Playing fields (two grass, one astroturf)2 gymsMartial Arts Dojo25m indoor swimming poolTheatreBlack Box TheatreDance suiteParent Coffee ShopOutdoor facilities include 2 basketball courtsPlaygroundfacilitiesCovered Early Years playgroundThe school is located in Kangqiao a suburbof Shanghai 10 km from the city centre and accessible via the Hunan Highway in30 minutes.

上海英国学校的建立 Establish


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