










所有费用加起来将近50000美元招生对象:应届、往届三年大专毕业生或同等学历学生开学日期:每年2月初和9月初开学,采取滚动招生的方式国内学习费用:学费¥50.000/四个月国外学习费用:总费用:$33550/年 学费: $23010/年申请条件:大专学历,英语二级(相当于雅思3.5,新托福32-40)以上水平。申请材料:大专成绩单及毕业证或者同等学历证书语言成绩(TOEFL,IELTS)2. 本科招生项目:招生对象:高中毕业生及大学在读学生开学日期:每年2月初和9月初开学,采取滚动招生的方式费用:总费用:$33550/年 学费: $23010/年申请条件:GPA: 3.0 ,TOEFL:80 或者 雅思:6分以上申请材料:申请表(50美元的申请费) 财产证明表格及资金证明(如果不是自己的资金要提供资金资助证明)高中成绩及毕业证(大学在读学生提供在读证明)语言成绩(TOEFL不低于80,雅思不低于6,SAT500分)可以双录




Hi there, I am studying in Valpo right now, and I could give you some idea about this school. I am using the library computer and was rejected to use Chinese input system, sorry about that.1. If you are coming here to get you Master degree, please be prepared that most of your classmates will be Chinese or people from Arabic, India....especially majors relatedto Finance, IT, Business. I am undergraduate student in Education, so I am always the only Chinese student in class, but some of my friends who majored in Finance and International commerce policy (graduate school), 90%of their classmates are Chinese. No matter where you go, it will always be this case.2. Valpo is not that that close to Chicago (about 1hour and 20mins’ away), and if you have no relatives or connections here, you will have a really hard time to find a job. Though you will be issued a one- year-permission intern time, you will find it tough to find an intern, let alone working here for a few years. Because the company has to go through lots of paper work to get the work visafor you, but you are not that special! Moreover, lots of American graduates can't even find jobs themselves (even from good universities), let alone us Foreigners.3. You must buy a car here, otherwise......the bus shows up once an hour ~4. The expense is comparatively cheaper, especially for graduate students. I paid 33,000dollars each year for my tuition only, but for graduate students, the expense is only around 14,000dollars a year. And most students finish their Master in one and half a year.5. Don't expect too much, after all it is who you are not where you go defines what you can do. We spent money and time, we leave our friends and family, and come all the way to U.S, however, it is no longer the DEAM LAND, but still it broadens your horizon and teaches you something you will never know if stayed at home. This is what I considered to be the VALUE. I love Valpo, and it gives me different ideas of life, this might be the most precious experience I could gain from here. And I am sure you will enjoy too. Good luck, and live in REALITY!





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