在申请澳大利亚签证的时候,如果被抽查到需要参加视屏面试的话,那么就需要了解到底会被问到些什么了,以下就是小编整理的澳洲签证官常问的问题,大家可以参考一下哦~ 1. Why do you want to visit Australia? 这个问题很简单,但是回答起来并不容易: 你可以说去那边旅游;你可以说是跟家人团聚;你也可以说去见朋友……当然,你还可以有其他的理由(比如,为了完成学业)不过这个答案一定要是真实的哟!2. Do you have a job? How much money does it make? What is the company name and location where your employer would be able to verify that information? 这个问题的目的是确定你是否有足够的经济能力来支付你在澳期间的所有费用,包括往返机票和住宿等开支。
3. When are you planning on coming back? This question can indicate whether or not someone’s intent is to stay in Australia for an extended period of time (i.e. more than two years), which could give immigration officials reason to believe they might become dependent upon social welfare programs such as unemployment insurance, Medicare/Medicaid etcetera here at home instead! As with all interview questions though – try to answer this honestly without giving misleading answers like “I will come back when my parents get old”or“When I finish studying” because these things may come back to haunt later down the road!4. Who pays for your trip? Whose house/apartment are you staying at while you’re visiting? 这个问题主要是想确认你是否已经购买了往返机票、是否已经租好了房子并且有足够的资金来支付自己在当地的住宿和生活开销。如果你说自己现在还没有买票或者还没找好住处而只是打算先住在亲戚家里,那你就有可能被认为是在澳洲滞留非法入境了!因此在这里还是建议大家要实话实说为好哦~5. Have you ever been arrested or charged with any crimes? If yes, please explain why and what were the circumstances surrounding them? 如果曾经有过犯罪记录的话也不要隐瞒——可以如实说出自己的过失所在并解释清楚当时的情况就好啦! 因为即使只是轻微犯罪也有可能给日后带来不小的麻烦呢~所以在移民签证面谈中不要刻意隐瞒自己的任何过往以免引起误会就不好啦.6. Please describe your previous education level from school up until now, including if there was college/university attended along the way? The purpose behind asking about one's educational background is primarily for verification purposes only but also secondarily so they know who else applies under their visa category next month should yours turn out unsuccessful! Therefore don’t be afraid to mention both highschool diplomas plus university degrees earned too even