







B被接的对象(Mr. Peter Chen)。A: Hello, are you Mr. Peter Chen B: Yes, I am. Do I know you A: Hi, Peter. My name is Michael, I am the assitant of Mr. Jiang who has been doing led business with you. Nice to mee you.B: Oh, hi, Mike. Nice to meet you. How do you know it is me A: Well, I have seen your photo before. You look more handsome.B: That is very sweet. ThanksA: So how is your tripI guess you had a trip over 6 hours.B: Yeah, it is good, but kind of tired now. Luckiy we arrived safely.A: Ok, we have booked a hotel for you in Tiantian spaceworld hotel. Priviate car is waiting outside the airport. Shall we go now B: That is very nice. We can go now.A: Let me help you carry these stuff, I know you are very tired.B: Thanks very much. I appreciate it a lot.A: You are welcome. This way please.场景对话二How was your trip您旅途还好吗?Very good. Thank you. 很好,谢谢。Not very good. I was got air. 不是很好,我晕机。Do you feel better now您现在好点了吗?Yes,but I feel very tired. Because it's a very long trip. 是的,但是我感觉很累,因为飞行时间很长。Let's go and check in the hotel. 让我们去饭店登记吧!Let me help you with your luggage. 让我帮您拿行李。Please wait for me here. I am going to the parting lot to drive my car. 请在这儿等我,我去停车场开车。



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