英文缩写:wtd英文全称:what to do中文音译:怎么办双语例句1、关于应该怎么办我们各执己见。
We couldn't agree what to do.2、“我怎么办呢?”她疑惑地说。'What am I going to do ' she wondered aloud.3、假设你把工作丢了,那你怎么办呢?Say you lose your job: what would you do then
英文缩写:wtd英文全称:what to do中文音译:怎么办双语例句1、关于应该怎么办我们各执己见。
We couldn't agree what to do.2、“我怎么办呢?”她疑惑地说。'What am I going to do ' she wondered aloud.3、假设你把工作丢了,那你怎么办呢?Say you lose your job: what would you do then