The enemy were compelled to lay down their arms .敌人被迫放下武器。Armed conflict may break out at any moment .武装冲突有一触即发之势。I put my arm behind me to loosen my pistol .我伸手到背后去解手枪。Lisa hurled herself into her father's arms .莉萨一下扑进父亲的怀抱。She felt his arms close tightly around her .她觉得他把她搂得很紧。He carried his white shirt over his arm .他胳膊上搭着他的白衬衣。Armed robbery is on the increase everywhere .持械劫案各地均有增无减。Leave go of my arm -- you are hurting !松开我的胳膊你弄疼了!We were arm in arm in this work .我们在工作中同心协办,相互配合。They became our marketing arm .他们成了我们在推销方面的得力助手。