tilt; incline; lean; dip; bias;1、树往房子那边倾斜。
The tree leans toward the house. 2、那个耳背的人向前倾斜着身子,以便听清谈话。The partly deaf man inclined forward to hear the conversation more clearly. 3、大多数字体是向右倾斜的。Most handwriting slants to the right. 4、船立即倾斜,进了水,然后沉没了。The boat instantly tilted, filled and sank. 5、地板是平的,但天花板朝他的头这边倾斜。The floor was level, but the ceiling sloped toward his head. 6、我终于爬上了一块潮湿倾斜的暗礁。I managed to pull myself up onto a wet, sloping ledge.