1 University of California, Berkeley US2 Massachusetts Inst of Tech US3 Stanford University US4 Indian Institutes of Technology India5 Imperial College London UK6 California Institute of Technology US7 Tokyo University Japan8 Cambridge University UK9 National University of Singapore Singapore10 Beijing University China11 Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan12 Oxford University UK13 Harvard University US14 Carnegie Mellon University US15 Tsing Hua University China16 ETH Zurich Switzerland17 Georgia Institute of Technology US18 Monash University Australia19 Ecole Polytechnique France20 Hong Kong Uni of Sci and Tech Hong Kong21 Illinois University US22 Melbourne University Australia23 Kyoto University Japan24 Delft University of Technology Netherlands25 Purdue University US26 New South Wales University Australia27 University of Texas at Austin US28 Massachusetts University US29 Technion - Israel Inst of Tech Israel30 Cornell University US