辅元辅双写加ed的单词:whip、beg、 drip、dot 、drop、fit、hug、plan。
whip:n.鞭子;纪律委员,组织秘书;(政党发给党员的)投票通知书,投票指示。beg:v.恳求;祈求;哀求;乞讨;行乞;(狗蹲坐在后腿上将前爪抬起)等食物。例句:She raised her stricken face and begged for help.她仰起苦闷的脸,乞求帮助。He begged forgiveness for what he had done.他乞求饶恕他的.所作所为。'Give me one more chance,' he begged.“再给我一次机会吧。”他恳求道。A branch whipped across the car window一条树枝突然划过车窗。We whipped through customs in ten minutes.我们十分钟便办完了海关手续。He cracked his whip and the horse leapt forward.他甩了个响鞭,马儿就奋蹄向前奔去。The waves were being whipped by 50 mile an hour winds.时速50英里的大风卷起了波浪