I have read many fairy tales, and the most impressive one is Kua Fu chasing the sun.从前,有一个巨人叫夸父的,他每天都想:每天夜里,太阳到底去哪里去了呢?我不喜欢黑暗,我喜欢光明,我要去追赶太阳,把它抓住,叫它固定在天上,让大地永远充满光明,所以他要把太阳抓住。Once upon a time, there was a giant named Kuafu. He thought every day: every night, where did the sun goI don't like darkness. I like light. I want to catch up with the sun, catch it, fix it in the sky, and let the earth be full of light forever. So he wants to catch the sun.我读了这篇故事我感受到了夸父对目标充满信心,坚持不懈的精神,他是一种力量的代表。正是因为古人有这些梦想,才使后人去努力实现这些梦想,才有了我们现在科技发达的世界。I read this story, I feel Kuafu's confidence in the goal, perseverance, he is a representative of strength. It is precisely because the ancients had these dreams that future generations will strive to realize these dreams, and we have a world with advanced science and technology.