accommodating [əˈkɒmədeɪtɪŋ] adj.乐于助人的, 随和的, 善于适应新环境的。
例句1,The man was accommodating enough to lend me a dollar.那个人很慷慨地借给我一块钱。2,The warden was always accommodating in allowing visitors in. 那个看门人总是随和的让游客们进去。3,It would be wrong to adopt an accommodating attitude towards their errors or shortcomings. 对他们的错误或缺点采取迁就态度,是不对的。4,Lindi seemed a nice, accommodating girl. 林迪似乎是个友好、乐于助人的女孩。5,In most Arab countries, he says, the political order is oppressive and democracy a sham, a hollow system incapable of accommodating the vitality of the people. 他说在大多数阿拉伯国家,政治秩序就是专制压迫,是民主的骗局,是一个无法容纳朝气蓬勃的人民百姓的空洞系统。