车站的英语:station ['steɪʃ(ə)n]。
;扩展资料;词性:;n. 车站;驻地;地位;身份;vt. 配置;安置;驻扎。;短语:;Union Station 联合车站;Shiroishi Station 白石车站;ukiage Station 吹上站 ;Hiragishi Station 平岸车站 ;Morishita Station 森下站 ;Matsuyama Station 松山站 ;fire station 消防局;造句:;
1、The train hissed off the station.;列车嘶嘶作响驶出了车站。;
2、We can subway to the station.;我们可以乘地铁去车站。;
3、Most of our forces have concentrated near the station.;我们大部分兵力集结在车站附近。;
4、The train puffed out of the station.;火车吐着烟驶出了车站。;
5、A train whooshed by the station just now.;刚有一列火车从车站飞速驶过。;
6、Trains whizz through the station by the village on their way to London every day.;开往伦敦的火车每天飞快地驶过村边小站。;
7、They took the wrong train and ended up at a small station.;他们坐错了火车,结果来到了一个小站。