故二者为同音词。美语中,aunt有两种发音,第一种是:/ænt/,这个发音听起来和ant(蚂蚁)是一样的,但它也是大多数美国人使用的读音。另一种发音则类似于aunt在英式英语的读法:/ɑːnt/。AUNTDefinition: the sister of your mother or father定义:你父亲或母亲的姐妹Can be pronounced ant rhyming with “pants,” or ahnt rhyming with “want”你可以发pants里ant的音,也可以发want里ant的音再比较例句:I usually go shopping with my aunt.我通常和我阿姨一起去购物。A swimming pool full of water is an ocean to an ant.灌满水的游泳池对蚂蚁来说简直就是海洋。She was so weak that she walked as slowly as an ant.One afternoon an auntof ours came to our house.