各种瘦1)thin表示“瘦”,但一般都用于消极含义:She’s very pretty, but she’s too thin. (她很漂亮,但太瘦了。
)2)skinny表示“皮包骨头的;很瘦的”,与thin相比瘦的程度稍大,而且多用于口语中:I don’t like his looks – he’s too skinny. (我不喜欢他的长相——他太瘦了。3)scrawny表示“骨瘦如柴的;瘦骨嶙峋的”):He was a scrawny little kid. (这个小孩瘦得只剩皮包骨头了。)4)gaunt表示“憔悴的”,大多表示脸部瘦削,有时是因为生病所致:Her face was gaunt and grey. (她脸色灰暗憔悴。)5)emaciated表示“瘦弱的;消瘦的”,这种“瘦”往往是因为生病或极度饥饿所致,而且存有身体健康危险):Some of the patients were quite emaciated. (一些病人非常瘦弱。6)Slender, 苗条的;修长的:She was small and slender, like a dancer. (她身材娇小苗条,像个舞者。)7)Lean 精瘦的;无脂肪的:Long-distance runners are usually fairly lean. (长跑运动员往往很精瘦。)8)Petite, 娇小的,只用于女性:I vaguely remember her as being dark and petite. (我模模糊糊记得她皮肤浅黑,身材娇小。)9)Slight, 纤细的;纤弱的:We watched her slight figure cross the street. (我们看着她纤弱的身影穿过街道。)各种胖Fat i肥胖的;多脂肪的:He was so fat that he had a double chin. (他胖得有双下巴了。)2)Stocky, 矮胖的;健壮结实的:He’s got the stocky build of a rugby player. (他身材健壮得像个橄榄球运动员。)3)Solid 结实的,与stocky意近:As a child, James was always quite solid. (詹姆斯小时候一直很壮实。)4)big大的,有时可用作fat的委婉语:Sophie didn’t use to be so big, did she(索菲娅过去块头没那么大,是吗?)5)Plump 丰满的、丰腴的,常用来修饰小孩:She is plump without being fat. (她长得丰满,但并不肥胖。)As a baby, he was chubby and had blonde curls. (他小的时候就一副圆胖的样子,有着金色的卷发。)6)Overweight 超重的、过胖的,该词比较直接,多为医生用语,用来描述肥胖病人的临床状况:Too many people in the States are overweight. (超重的美国人太多了。)7)obese极肥胖的:Obese patients are advised to change their diet. (建议肥胖病人改变饮食。)