






Extended Essay是一个独立的分析项目,允许学生深入探索感兴趣的特定主题。IB物理EE是IB课程中学习物理学的学生的研究论文。




1、A study of the efficiency of different designs of solar cells.不同太阳能电池设计的效率研究。

2、An investigation into the effect of temperature on the electrical resistance of a metal.温度对金属电阻影响的研究。

3、An analysis of the properties of electromagnetic waves in a transmission line.传输线中电磁波的特性分析。

4、A study of the effect of magnetic fields on the behavior of electrons in a conductor.磁场对导体中电子行为影响的研究。

5、An investigation into the relationship between the strength of a magnetic field and the electrical current in a solenoid.对螺线管中磁场强度和电流之间关系的研究。

6、A study of the energy transfer in a mechanical wave.机械波中能量转移的研究。

7、An analysis of the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction when a light beam passes through a prism.光束通过棱镜时入射角与折射角关系的分析。

8、A study of the properties of various types of lenses and mirrors.对各种类型的透镜和镜子的特性的研究。

9、An investigation into the effect of temperature on the thermal expansion of metal.温度对金属热膨胀影响的研究。

10、An analysis of the relationship between the strength of a gravitational field and the motion of an object.对重力场强度和物体运动之间关系的分析。

11、A study of the energy transfer in a simple harmonic motion.简谐运动中能量传递的研究。

12、An investigation into the motion of electrons in a magnetic field.对电子在磁场中运动的研究。

13、A study of the impact of a cooling system in a high-performance computer on energy consumption.高性能计算机冷却系统对能耗影响的研究。

14、An analysis of the effect of temperature on the properties of semiconductors.温度对半导体特性影响的分析。

15、An investigation into the properties of different types of superconductors.对不同类型超导体特性的研究。

16、A study of the impact of different geometric shapes on the efficiency of wind turbines.不同几何形状对风力涡轮机效率影响的研究。

17、An analysis of the properties of x-rays and their medical applications.对x射线的特性及其医学应用的分析。

18、A study of the relationship between the frequency and intensity of light in a laser.对激光中光的频率和强度之间关系的研究。

19、An investigation into the properties of electromagnetic waves in the microwave region.微波区电磁波特性的研究。

20、A study of the properties of blackbody radiation.黑体辐射特性的研究。

21、An analysis of the relationship between the mass and acceleration of an object in free fall.自由落体质量与加速度关系的分析。

22、A study of the properties of waves in a quantum mechanical system.对量子力学系统中波的性质的研究。

23、An investigation into the properties of electromagnetic waves in the visible region of the spectrum.对可见光谱范围内电磁波特性的研究。

24、A study of the effects of temperature on the electrical conductivity of different types of insulators.温度对不同类型绝缘子导电性影响的研究。

25、An analysis of the properties of a wave function in a quantum mechanical system.量子力学系统中波函数的性质分析。

26、A study of the properties of different types of cosmic rays and their origins.对不同类型宇宙射线的性质及其起源的研究。

27、An investigation into the properties of gravitons and the nature of gravity waves.对引力子性质和重力波本质的研究。

28、A study of the properties of dark matter and its impact on the formation of galaxies.研究暗物质的性质及其对星系形成的影响。

29、An analysis of the properties of the Higgs Boson and its impact on our understanding of the universe.希格斯玻色子的性质分析及其对我们理解宇宙的影响。

30、A study of the properties of Hawking radiation and the information paradox in black holes.黑洞中霍金辐射和信息佯谬的性质研究。




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