☛ “Orbital determination of a minor planet” 优于“Gravitation”.
☛ “The variation in resistance of a wire subjected to different strains” 优于 “Measuring the resistivity of different materials”.
☛ “The use of interference fringes to measure small displacements” 优于 “Making interference patterns”.
☛ “The range variation of water flowing out of a hole in a container” 优于 “An application of Bernoulli’s principle”.
☛ “The impact of the resistivity of the metal of a pipe and the pipe’s wall thickness on the terminal velocity of a cylindrical magnet falling down the metallic pipe” 优于 “Eddy currents”.
●Title:Black hole at the centre of the Milky WayResearch question: Is it possible to determine the presence of a black hole at the centre of the Milky Way?Approach: A data-based approach is taken. From the astronomical observations of a star following a Keplerian orbit around a compact radio source, the mass of a supermassive black hole is determined. The level of uncertainty is appreciated.
●Title:The wine bottle as a Helmholtz resonatorResearch question: Do wine bottles of different shapes behave as Helmholtz resonators?Approach: An experimental approach is taken. The theoretical model is reviewed with specific emphasis on the physical and geometrical parameters determining the resonant frequency. By blowing across the opening of the bottle, a resonant frequency is produced, picked up and measured. The accuracy of the model is determined
.●Title:The deflection of starlight by the Sun’s gravitational fieldResearch question: What will be the angular deflection of starlight by the Sun if Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation is applied?Approach: A theoretical (numerical) approach is taken. Assuming a corpuscular model of light, the motion of these corpuscles moving at the speed of light in a gravitational field is followed by iteration. The results are compared to the one derived from general relativity.
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虽然物理EE挑战比较大,含金量比较高(尤其是对于大学想要申请工程、物理等学科的学生而言),但根据IBO公布的成绩数据来看,写物理EE的学生并不是很多,拿到物理EE 高等级也并非易事。