







  1. How accurate are mathematical predictions for events with a low likelihood but huge impact?

  2. Considering the risks involved in making decisions based on incomplete or conflicting information might make us more cautious.

  3. How do normal numbers fare when compared to random number generators?

  4. Create a virtual version of the disaster at Chernobyl and its subsequent effects on Japan.

  5. Do the numbers that make up a Pythagorean triple follow any kind of regularity?

  6. Does a high degree of association exist between BMI and GDP per capita?

  7. What kinds of character combinations are best for online safety in light of brute force attacks?

  8. To what extent does Bayesian probability work in a real-life setting and is it possible to add complexity to it?

  9. How do those involved in pyramid schemes or other forms of fast-paced fraud use mathematics to amass huge fortunes so quickly?

  10. Determine the climber's fall severity by measuring the distance from the final point of connection.

  11. Is it feasible to forecast the outcome of athletic events using a Poisson model and some familiarity with Excel?

  12. How long would it take someone to try to guess someone else’s password? What's the deal with adding symbols and digits to a password?

  13. How can we identify individual tones using sine waves of different frequencies?

  14. Is there a way to utilize arithmetic to predict how contagious diseases like measles will move across a population?

  15. Do large transfer window expenditures result in a higher victory percentage a sports season?

  16. With what method of voting can the most people be certain that their preferred candidate will win the election?

  17. A study of the geometric sequence's connection to the camera's aperture

  18. How well do you think integration would work to determine the gini coefficient for a sample of nations, allowing you to make reliable comparisons of the economic inequality between them?

  19. Find out if there's a correlation between music and fractions, or see if this series converges.

  20. If a fatal flu virus were to sweep the globe, how long do you think it would take humanity to perish?

  21. Examine the ratios of frequencies between notes to see why some do not sound good together while others do.

  22. What kinds of numbers have the most bearing on a basketball team's success?

  23. A look at how uncertainty about the future might make people more risk-averse and how asymmetric information plays a role in this phenomenon.

  24. The ideal amount of force and launch angle for a javelin or shot put world record throw.

  25. The gravitational attraction of other things in space causes the orbits of planets and comets to be elliptical. Look into the field of space exploration!

  26. Study the numbers behind the processes of heredity and natural selection.

  27. How can we utilize computers to learn more about sequences?

  28. Is it possible to employ computational methods in addition to pure mathematics to find an answer?

  29. Applying the mechanics of fast-moving spacecraft to the problem of interstellar travel

  30. Applying quantum mechanics, we may examine the universe's innate probabilistic character.

  31. If it takes the tortoise twice as long to cover the same distance as a runner, then there's no way the runner can catch up to it no matter how fast he runs.

  32. Using tools from probability and game theory, researchers investigate the most effective bluffing techniques for poker.

  33. Does the time it takes a kid to arrive to school depend on how far they live from the school?

  34. Check out the Guardian Stats to see if the top teams in the league are also the ones that commit the most fouls.





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