1、The connection between Jane Austen's books and modern feminism trends;
2、The role of Dr. Watson in the reader's perception of Sherlock Holmes;
3、The idea of beauty in Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray";
4、Comparison of women characters in the novels of Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen;
5、Presenting characters in the book and movie "Murder on Orient Express" by Agatha Christie;
6、Subjective causes of crime in Süskind's "Perfume: The Story of a Murderer":
7、Images of the oak and the sky in Dostoevsky's "War and Peace";
8、The topic of loneliness on Chekhov's stories;
9、The concept of friendship in the book "Tom Sawyer";
10、The notion of undivided love in 19th-century poetry.