







  1、How successful was Mao's political campaign and the Cultural Revolution?

  2、How significant was WWIl for the women's movement in the United States?

  3、to what extent were foreign powers involved in the Rwandan Genocide?

  4、To what extent was the Haitian slave revolution the most successful revolution to date?

  5、To what extent did the League of Nations fail to prevent WWII?

  6、How did the involvement of Germany in the Spanish Civil war impact the outcome?

  7、How did the Economic agriculture policies of Stalin in the USSR effect the UkrainianFamine?

  8、To what extent did Stalin's 5-year Plans make the USSR stronger (or Weaker)?

  9、To what extent did Stalin's states establish at the expense of the soviet people?

  10、To what extent was Germany to blame for WWI?

  11、To what extent did foreign intervention affect the stabilization process of Mozambique?

  12、To what extent did the Belgium colonial rule of Congo hinder its stabilization process?

  13、To what extent did the Plessy v、Ferguson Case affect the Civil rights movement?

  14、To what extent what the Civil Rights Act of 1964 a successful (or unsuccessful) document?

  15、In what ways did the civil rights movement make significant progress between 1950 to1964?

  16、To what extent were civil rights philosophies positive (or negative) campaign methods?

  17、To what extent Margaret Sanger a successful advocate for Birth Control and Women's rights?

  18、To what extent was nationalism the goal for German unification in 1871?

  19、To what extent was Spain a fascist State after Franco's victory?

  20、To what extent did the ethnic make/up of Yugoslavia lead to its break up?

  21、To what extent did Slobodan Milosevic play a significant role in the wars in the former Yugoslavia?

  22、To what extent did European Colonialism hinder the democratic evolution of the colonizers?

  23、To what extent did Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points affect Europe's peace process?

  24、To what extent did the peace-making process work after WWIl in comparison to the peace-making process after WWI?

  25、To what extent did Spain cease to be a dictatorship after 1933 despite Franco still being in power?




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