Unit 1: Music Fundamentals I: Pitch, Major Scales and Key Signatures, Rhythm, Meter, and Expressive Elements音高、主要音阶和关键特征、节奏、节拍和表达元素。
Unit 2: Music Fundamentals II: Minor Scales and Key Signatures, Melody, Timbre, and Texture小音阶和键标、旋律、音色和质感。
Unit 3: Music Fundamentals III: Triads and Seventh Chords三和弦和七和弦。
Unit 4: Harmony and Voice Leading I: Chord Function, Cadence, and Phrase和弦功能、节奏和乐句。
Unit 5: Harmony and Voice Leading II: Chord Progressions and Predominant Function和弦进行与主导功能。
Unit 6: Harmony and Voice Leading III: Embellishments, Motives, and Melodic Devices修饰、动机和旋律装置。
Unit 7: Harmony and Voice Leading IV: Secondary Function重属和弦。
Unit 8: Modes and Form音乐的模式和形式。