British weather
Weather overview
The weather can vary greatly from day to day, but generally summer (June-August) is a hot 14-30 °C, and winter (December-February) is a cool 1-5 °C. There is quite a difference in temperature between Scotland and Southern England. Generally, the further south, the warmer it is likely to be.
See the weather forecast in Britain for the next 5 days
Whatever the season, the British weather is liable to change from day to day, so if you are wondering what to wear, it is a good idea to bring a selection of items including some light clothes。
items you can layer (that way you can add or remove layers depending on temperature), at least one warm pullover and a waterproof coat or umbrella. To get a better idea about what to pack, look at the seaonal variations you can expect in Britain:
Spring (March - May)