






Sir John A. MacDonald我就在加拿大~呵呵



John Alexander Macdonald was born in Glasgow, Scotland, January 10th, 1815, the son of Hugh Macdonald and Helen Shaw (Johnson). His family immigrated to Kingston, Upper Canada along with him in 1820 when he was about 5 years old.In 1830, John A. Macdonald took an inconspicuous place in the office of George Mackenzie in Kingston as an apprentice. He lodged and boarded with the George Mackenzies; and, despite his gifted skills in article, he was still very much of an ordinary schoolboy, dependent upon authority and direction, hard to waken in the morning, and watched over by Mrs. Mackenzie with kindly solicitude. He was at work all day, and at night, he started to read law in a tight routine of studying under his master’7a64e4b893e5b19e31333332636435s benevolent direction (John A. Macdonald, 21 and 22).Eventually, all his hard works had paid off – he started his own lawyer office in Kingston, and became quite a successful and quick-witted trial lawyer. Later, He was named as the solicitor for both of the Kingston’s banks (Johnson). John A. Macdonald married to Isabella Clark on September 1st, 1843. His private life has became nothing but sorrow and tragedy after the death of his first son who lived for only 16 months; and after the birth of his second son who survived to adulthood, his wife started weakening and finally died years later in 1856. His sorrowful private life forced him into drinking heavily. Eventually, his private life and his habit of drinking have merged into, no doubt, the biggest weakness in his life.Before John A. Macdonald became a drunkard, his brilliance had not only shined in the world of lawyers but also the world of politicians. His introduction to politics came in 1843 when he served as a city alderman (Canada’s Prime Ministers). The following year, he entered the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada as a Conservative representative for Kingston, acting as receiver-general (Canada’s Prime Ministers). In 1867, the month after John A. drafted the British North America Act, he was elected to be the first Prime Minster of the Canada.John A. married a second time, to Susan Agnes Bernard in the same year that he was elected to be the Prime Minister. Their joy over a birth of a daughter in 1869 was mitigated by the fact that she suffered from hydrocephaly, which caused both mental and physical handicaps (Canada’s Prime Ministers). Three months after having the fourth consecutive electoral victory in 1891, John A. Macdonald died by a series of stroke in Ottawa, June 6th, 1891, and his body was trained back to Kingston later.


加拿大的不叫总统,是总理加拿大的第一来位总理---约翰·麦克唐纳1867年7月1日,英属北美法令正式生效,加拿大省、纽布郎斯威克和诺瓦·斯高莎组成一个名为加拿大自治领的联邦,这一日子从此成为加拿大的国庆日。源 新联邦有四个省份:安大略、魁北克、纽布郎斯威克和诺瓦·斯高莎。联邦及各省都采用英国的制度组阁,政府对民选的议会负责。一个自由、民主、统一的联邦国家的雏形已经产生。 新加拿大联邦的首任总理是保守党派的约翰·麦克唐纳,在他任期内,联邦得以继续扩大百,西北地区、英属哥伦比亚北极群岛先后归属加拿大。同时,一条度从蒙特利尔到温哥华的太平洋铁路也几经周折最后建成。加拿大联邦的规模更加完备,内部联系也更加紧密。 但英裔与法裔加拿大人的矛盾仍是新联邦政策的棘手问题。1884年,路易·李尔率印第安人与白人的混血后裔和印第安土著人联合发动“红河”起义,起义失败后,李尔被处死。李尔拥有问一半的法裔血统,是答法裔加拿大人心中的英雄。李尔被处决自然引起了法裔加拿大人的不满,加上曼尼托巴省不再认可法裔的宗教及语言地位,保守党政府的同化政策受到了严重的挑战。


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