下面美国加州大学北岭分校念“finance,real estate and insurance”专业是2009年秋季学期的课表,你可以查一查。
3开头的都是新生必修课程,是否有选修,这要看学院的规定。翻译就不必了吧?这是该校的主页:这是你们636f70797a6431333238646330专业的主页:你们专业所有的课程都在这个文件里:Course List First 1-26 of 26Finance,Real Estate and InsFIN 302 - PERSONAL FINANCE ( LEC3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 303 - FINANCIAL MGMT ( LEC3 Units )( 5 Sections )FIN 303BH - FINANCIAL MGMT ( LEC3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 303OL - FINANCIAL MGMT ( LEC3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 336 - PRIN OF INSURANCE ( LEC3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 338 - RL EST PRINCIPLES ( LEC3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 430 - INTERNTL FIN MGMT ( LEC3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 431 - RISK MANAGEMENT ( LEC3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 432 - INVSTMENTS + MGMT ( LEC3 Units )( 5 Sections )FIN 432BH - INVESTMENT MGMT ( LEC3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 433 - REAL ESTATE FINCE ( LEC3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 435 - PROB CORP FIN POL ( LEC3 Units )( 6 Sections )FIN 436 - FUTURES + OPTIONS ( LEC3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 437 - ADVANCED TOPICS ( LEC3 Units )( 4 Sections )FIN 437BH - ADVANCED TOPICS ( LEC3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 439 - RL EST VALUATION ( LEC3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 442 - FIN PLANNING ( LEC3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 498A - FLD ASSIGN+RPORTS ( SUP1 Unit )( 1 Section )FIN 498B - FLD ASSIGN+RPORTS ( SUP2 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 498C - FLD ASSIGN+RPORTS ( SUP3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 499A - INDEPENDENT STUDY ( SUP1 Unit )( 1 Section )FIN 499B - INDEPENDENT STUDY ( SUP2 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 499C - INDEPENDENT STUDY ( SUP3 Units )( 3 Sections )FIN 635 - FINCAL THRY+POLCY ( SEM3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 636 - INVESTMNT ANLYSIS ( SEM3 Units )( 1 Section )FIN 699 - INDEPENDENT STUDY ( SUP3 Units )( 2 Sections )