






Ideological and moral cultivation. 古代汉语. Ancient Chinese. 体育. Sports. 中国通史. China General History. 军事理论. Military theory. 现代汉语. Modern Chinese. 英语. English. 马克思主意原理. Marxist idea principle. 法律基础. Legal basis. 毛泽东思想概论. Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought. 体育. Sports. 高等数学. Higher Mathematics. 艺术素质教育系列讲座. Artistic quality education lecture series. 现代汉语. Modern Chinese. 年级论文. Grade papers. 中国现代文学经典导读. Modern Chinese literature classic Guide. 当代世界经济与政治. The contemporary world economy and politics. 互联网基础. Internet based. 马克思主义政治经济学原理. Marxist political economy theory. 语言学概论. An Introduction to Linguistics. 中国哲学名著导读. Famous Chinese philosophy Guide. 中国古代文学史e69da5e887aae799bee5baa631333234333362. China古代文学史. 大学生物基础. University biological basis. 西方电影流派. Western film schools. 马列文论. The text of Marx and Lenin. 外国文学史. 文学理论. Literary Theory. 舞蹈艺术修养. Art of dance training. 西方哲学导论. Introduction to Western Philosophy. 中国古代文学史. China古代文学史. 20世纪西方美学问题研究. 20th Century Western aesthetic issues. 西方文化精神. Western culture spirit. 印度社会与文化. Indian society and culture. 人地和谐研究(这科目的意思是指针对人类与自然环境怎样和谐发展的研究) People in harmony research (which means that the subjects of human and natural environment for the harmonious development of how the research.) 广播电视概论. Introduction to radio and television. 邓小平理论概论. Deng Xiaoping Theory. 中国古代文学理论史. The history of ancient Chinese literature theory. 中国现当代文学史. Chinese Contemporary Literature History. 美学概论. Aesthetics Studies. 西方文艺理论史. History of Western literary theory. 视听媒体作品交互赏析. Appreciation of interactive audio-visual media works. 多媒体节目策划概论. Introduction of multimedia programmers. 大国的兴亡. The rise and fall of great powers. 游泳. Swimming. 中国古代经典导读. Ancient Chinese classic Guide. 西方文艺理论史. History of Western literary theory. 社会实践. Social practice. 劳动. Labor. 学年论文. School year thesis. 实习报告. Practice report. 毕业论文. Thesis. 中国当代文学史. History of Modern Chinese Literature



思想道德修养. Ideological and moral cultivation古代汉语. Ancient Chinese体育. Sports中国通史. History of China军事理论. Military theory现代汉语. Modern Chinese英语. English马克思主意原理. Marxist theory idea法律基础. Legal basis毛泽东思想概论. Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought体育. Sports高等数学. Higher Mathematics艺术素质教育系列讲座. Art quality education lecture series现代汉语. Modern Chinese年级论文. Grade papers中国现代文学经典导读. REVIEW modern Chinese literature classics当代世界经济7a686964616fe78988e69d8331333234333362与政治. Contemporary World Economy and Politics互联网基础. Internet infrastructure马克思主义政治经济学原理. Marxist political economy principles语言学概论. An Introduction to Linguistics中国哲学名著导读. REVIEW famous Chinese philosophy中国古代文学史. China Gudaiwenhuashi大学生物基础. University biological basis西方电影流派. Western film genre马列文论. On the Marxist-Leninist text外国文学史. Waiguowenhuashi文学理论. Literary Theory舞蹈艺术修养. Cultivate the art of dance西方哲学导论. Introduction to Western Philosophy中国古代文学史. China Gudaiwenhuashi20世纪西方美学问题研究. 20th Century Western aesthetic issues西方文化精神. Western cultural spirit印度社会与文化. Indian society and culture人地和谐研究(这科目的意思是指针对人类与自然环境怎样和谐发展的研究) People harmony research 广播电视概论. Introduction to radio and television.邓小平理论概论. Deng Xiaoping Theory.中国古代文学理论史. Ancient Chinese History of Literary Theory.中国现当代文学史. Contemporary China is. 美学概论. Aesthetics Studies.西方文艺理论史. History of Western literary theory视听媒体作品交互赏析. Appreciation of interactive audio-visual media works多媒体节目策划概论. Outline planning multimedia programming大国的兴亡. The rise and fall of great powers游泳. Swimming.中国古代经典导读. REVIEW ancient Chinese classics西方文艺理论史. History of Western literary theory社会实践. Social practice劳动. Labor.学年论文. School papers.实习报告. Practice report.毕业论文. Thesis.中国当代文学史. Contemporary Chinese.


Chinese the ancient times. Sports. General history of China. Military theory. Modern times Chinese. English. Max idea principle. Law basis. The Thought of Mao Zedong. Sports. Higher mathematics. Art quality education series lecture. Modern times Chinese. Grade thesis.Modern literature classics leads China read. The present age world economy and politics. Internet basis. Marxism politics economic principle. Linguistics introduction. The masterpiece leads Chinese philosophy read. Chinese history of literature the ancient times. Learn the living things basis enthusiastically. West film school. Marxism-Leninism culture is commented on. Foreign history of literature. Literature theory. Dancing arts accomplishment. West philosophy introduction. Chinese history of literature the ancient times. 30 centuries wests aesthetics problem studies. West culture is vigorous. India society and culture.Person field harmony studies the radio and television introduction. Deng Xiaoping Theory introduction. Chinese literature the ancient times theory history. China shows the present age history of literature. Aesthetics introduction. West theory of literature and art history. Medium work appreciates seeing and hearing each other separating. The multi-media program plans an introduction. Great Power's rise and fall. Swim for. Classics led China in the ancient times read. West theory of literature and art history. Social practice. Work. Academic year thesis. Practice is reported. Graduation thesis. Chinese the present age history of literature.


思想道德修养.Ideological and moral development 古代汉语. Ancient Chinese 体育. Sports 中国通史.General history of China 军事理论. Military theory 现代汉语. Modern Chinese 英语. English 马克思主义原理.Principles of Marxist theory 法律基础. Legal basis 毛泽东思想概论.Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought 体育. Sports 高等数学. Higher Mathematics 艺术素质教育系列讲座. Lecture series on art quality education 现代汉语. Modern Chinese 年级论文. Grade papers 中国现代文学经典导读. Guide to the modern Chinese literary classics 当代世界e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e4b893e5b19e31333234333362经济与政治. Contemporary World Economy and Politics 互联网基础. Internet infrastructure 马克思主义政治经济学原理.Principles of Marxist political economy 语言学概论.Introduction to Linguistics 中国哲学名著导读.Guide to the famous Chinese philosophical works 中国古代文学史. History of ancient Chinese literature 大学生物基础. University biological basis 西方电影流派. Western film genre 马列文论. Study on the Marxist-Leninist texts 外国文学史.History of foreign literature文学理论.Literary Theory 舞蹈艺术修养.Knowledge of the art of dance 西方哲学导论.Introduction to Western Philosophy 中国古代文学史.History of ancient Chinese literature 20世纪西方美学问题研究. Study on the 20th Century Western aesthetics 西方文化精神.Western cultural spirit 印度社会与文化.Indian society and culture 人地和谐研究.Study on the harmony between human and nature广播电视概论.Introduction to television and broadcast邓小平理论概论.Deng Xiaoping Theory 中国古代文学理论史. History of ancient Chinese literary theory 中国现当代文学史. History of contemporary Chinese literature美学概论. Introduction to aesthetics西方文艺理论史. History of Western literary theory 视听媒体作品交互赏析. Appreciation of interactive audio-visual media works 多媒体节目策划概论.Introduction to the planning of multimedia programs 大国的兴亡. The rise and fall of great powers 游泳. Swimming. 中国古代经典导读.Guide to the ancient Chinese classics 西方文艺理论史. History of Western literary theory 社会实践.Social practice 劳动Labor 学年论文.School papers 实习报告.Practice report 毕业论文. Graduation thesis 中国当代文学史.History of contemporary Chinese literature


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