






营养学不知道,不过药剂师全美是我们学校最好了,university of the pacific,很接近了吧



要学营养就去康尔乃最好了,其他都差不多。排个前10难排啊0 0


哈佛大学与柏拉图为友,与亚里士多德为友,更要与真理为友常春藤名百校之一1普林斯顿大学她因上帝的力量而繁荣 为国家服务,为所有国家服务常春藤名校之一3耶鲁大学真理和光明常春藤名校之一4加州理工学院真理使人自由 4麻省理工学院动脑又动手度 4斯坦福大学自由之风永远吹 4宾夕法尼亚大学毫无特性的学习将一事无成常春藤名校之一8哥伦比亚大学在上帝的神灵中我们寻求知识常春藤名校之一8芝加哥大学 让知识充实你的人生 10杜克大学信仰宗教 11达特茅斯大学广漠大地上(对知识)的呼唤常春藤名校之一12西北大学真理回是永恒 12圣路易斯华盛顿大学(又译为华盛顿圣路易大学)- 14约翰斯霍普金斯大学真理解放心灵 15康奈尔大学让任何人都能在这里学到想学的科目常春藤名校之一16布朗大学我们信仰答上帝常春藤名校之一17艾莫利大学聪明人的心得知识 17莱斯大学文学,科学,艺术 17范德比尔特大学(范德堡大学)20诺特丹大学(圣母大学)


以下是美国营养学专业硕士即博士排名前16位的大学院校,其中包括学院名称,可提供的学e5a48de588b6e79fa5e9819331333332623935位以及对本科GPA的要求。至于问到的关于英语考试(TOEFL,GRE)的要求,楼主可以去学校的官方网站上查询,一般不同的专业会有不同的语言录取标准。如有疑问可以继续追问我~~1,Kansas State University|College of Human Ecology Location: Manhattan, KS Degrees: Doctorate, Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported Michigan State University|College of Natural Science Location: East Lansing, MI Degrees: Doctorate, Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported Middle Tennessee State University|College of Graduate Studies Location: Murfreesboro, TN Degrees: Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.0 New York University|The Steinhardt School of Education Location: New York, NY Degrees: Doctorate, Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.3 Saint Louis University|The Graduate School Location: St. Louis, MO Degrees: Doctorate, Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported SUNY at Buffalo|School of Public Health and Health Professions Location: Buffalo, NY Degrees: Master's, Professional Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.3 The Ohio State University - Columbus|College of Human Ecology Location: Columbus, OH Degrees: Doctorate, Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.5 The University of Memphis|College of Education Location: Memphis, TN Degrees: Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported University of Bridgeport Nutrition Institute Location: Bridgeport, CT Degrees: Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.0 University of British Columbia|Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, BC Degrees: Doctorate, Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported University of Missouri - Columbia|College of Human Environmental Sciences Location: Columbia, MO Degrees: Doctorate, Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill|School of Public Health Location: Chapel Hill, NC Degrees: Doctorate, Master's, Professional Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.5 University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point|College of Professional Studies Location: Stevens Point, WI Degrees: Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: 3.5 Washington State University|College of Agriculture, Human, and Natural Resources Location: Pullman, WA Degrees: Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported Wayne State University|College of Science Location: Detroit, MI Degrees: Doctorate, Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported Winthrop University|College of Arts & Sciences Location: Rock Hill, SC Degrees: Master's Avg. UGrad GPA: Not Reported


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