US$ 就是美元的意思,全称就是United States dollar。
词汇分析释义:美元拓展资料1、The reason for thisissimple, andobvious.Chinapegsits currencyto theUnitedStatesdollar.原因简单明了,中国实行人民币盯住美元政策。
2、Hard currency shall mean United States dollar and any other currency which is freely convertible into United State dollar.硬通货指美元以及任何一种可以自由兑换成美元的货币。
3、United States dollar cashier's impost fund;出纳员美元定e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e31333365656466额备用金;
4、United States Dollar Cashier's Impost Fund The cashier paid the money out efficiently.出纳员美元定额备用金出纳员付款动作很利索。
5、But it is also one of the most indebted, borrowing heavily from foreign investors in the United States dollar offshore market& debts that become more expensive to repay as the renminbi weakens.不过,它也是负债最严重的企业之一,在美元离岸市场向外国投资者大举借债&随着人民币贬值,偿还这些债务也变得更加困难。