
现在美国学语言 语言成绩一般 想去社区大学学表演 然后2年专回本科 这样好嘛



现在美国学语言 语言成绩一般 想去社区大学学表演 然后2年专回本科 这样好嘛,麻烦给回复



兄弟我个人认为挺好的 坚决支持你,建议再试着登台演讲,现在无论是做销售还是打工靠的都是一张嘴,和自己的魅力,建议你把表演学好,在学习演讲可以读专科,本科读不读都一样的。


现在美国学语言  语言成绩一般  想去社区大学学表演 然后2年专回本科  这样好嘛


well, it's definitly not a bad choice. But what I wanna tell you here is that you have a much better choice. Why don't you directly go to a college Let me tell you something. I've studied in Upenn and Stanford. I'm pretty clear about the admission policy of US colleges. If you dream is IVY, that is definitely a chanllenging one. If your dream is OSU (Ohio State University), it is a pretty plausible one. You have a plenty chances of being admitted. The admission policy of OSU is NO DECLINE if you TOEFL is more that 60. So, the first step you need to do is to have a TOEFL score higher than 70, I recommend ,which is enough for most top 50 universities.Of course TOEFL is not the only criteria for admission, but it is the most important one for that level of schools. There are many details you need to pay attention to when you are appling. I have no information of your current academic situation, so i can't give you specific suggestion. But there is still somewhere I can help you. Contact your professor. Try to show yourself before your professor. He is the one who determines whether you are admitted or not. Also, when I have more information of you, I can introduce you several professors. That will help you much.I'd love to help you. Please leave me more details about your personal information. Also, if you have questions about application, I'd love to help you with that.PS: hope you have no problem to understand thi.


其实学表演不需要太多的语言水平,不过要至少能看的百懂老师给你的剧本,台词。而且表演本身不是那种需要太多理论的专业,多练多演就可以。表演舞台经验,镜头经验很重要。不过美国的表演专业,基本上都是属于戏剧学院的,所以舞台经验可以度得到很多,不过镜头经验就要看平时多参加一些同学的作业来积累了。好莱坞也有专门的群众演员网站,也可以尝试。一般的好university的表演专业都不太招收fresh guy,很多都是要转学生的。你这个想法其实是回对的,但是你的口语要多联系联系,因为上课的作业,你的小品和舞台短剧至少要能够和同学通顺流答利的接起来,要不上课就毕不了业了。我现在在ucla读producer,你要有什么需要帮助,可以给我留言。


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