






[美国] 伊利诺斯大学香槟分校(香槟)University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Champaign) 建校年代e69da5e887aae79fa5e9819331333332613765:1867年 所在省州:伊利诺斯州 所在城市:Champaign 学生人数:42326人 中国教育部是否认证:获得认证入学条件: The following general University policies are applicable to all undergraduate applicants at both the beginning freshman and transfer student levels.To be eligible for consideration for admission, an applicant must meet certain requirements in terms of high school graduation, high school credits and competence in English.High School Graduation An applicant must be a graduate of a regionally accredited high school, a school in Illinois recognized by the state superintendent of education, or a school elsewhere with a rating equivalent to full recognition; graduates of other secondary schools and nongraduates of secondary schools may be admitted under the provisions for use of the General Education Development Test.General Educational Development Test (GED) The achievement of satisfactory scores on the General Educational Development Test is acceptable in lieu of graduation from an accredited high school. This test alone will not fulfill all of the college preparatory subject requirements. A minimum score of 410 on each test and an overall average of at least 450 are needed to provide the following high school credit: 9 semesters of English and 8 semesters of social studies. To be eligible to take these tests, applicants must be at least eighteen years or age or have been out of school for at least one year.If to be used in lieu of high school graduation, General Educational Development Test scores should be sent by the testing center directly to Undergraduate Admissions.High School Credits Freshman applicants for admission to all majors must present a total of at least 15 units of acceptable college preparatory schoolwork. A unit course of study in the secondary school is a course covering an academic year and including not less than the equivalent of 120 sixty-minute hours of classroom work. Two hours of work requiring little or no preparation outside the class are considered as the equivalent to one hour of prepared classroom work.A freshman applicant who lacks a required high school subject may satisfy the requirement at either a community college or elsewhere prior to enrollment at the University. This information must be communicated on the application for admission. One semester in college is the equivalent of two semesters of high school coursework.Under extenuating circumstances, a specific subject requirement may be waived for otherwise well-qualified freshman applicants. An applicant seeking a waiver of the subject pattern requirement should use the Additional Information question on the application to state the rationale for requesting such action. The subject pattern requirements are waived for transfer applicants, but such applicants can fulfill the foreign language transfer and/or graduation requirements through high school coursework. Description of Acceptable High School Courses English: Studies in language, composition, and literature requiring practice in expository writing in all such work. Coursework should emphasize reading, writing, speaking and listening.Foreign Language: Two years of any one foreign language (or completion of second level) fulfills the admission requirement. American Sign Language is acceptable.Laboratory Science: Laboratory courses in biology, chemistry, or physics are preferred. Laboratory courses in astronomy and geology are also acceptable. General science is not acceptable.Mathematics: Algebra, geometry, advanced algebra, trigonometry, pre-calculus, calculus, statistics. Applied business mathematics, pre-algebra and computer courses are not acceptable. Approved mathematics courses taken before high school will be counted toward the requirement.Social Studies: History and government. Additional acceptable social studies include anthropology, economics, geography, philosophy, political science, psychology and sociology.Flexible Courses: Two courses from any of the above five subject categories. Approved art, music or vocational education courses may be counted in the flexible academic units category.Competence in English. A minimum requirement for competence in English applies to all University students. Undergraduate applicants for admission may satisfy this minimum requirement by certifying that one of the following conditions has been fulfilled in a country where English is the primary language and in a school in which English is the primary language ofwith credit for four units, or the equivalent, of English from a secondary school; or successful completion of a minimum of two academic years (60 transferable hours) of full-time study at the secondary school or collegiate level immediately prior to the proposed date of enrollment in the University. For an applicant who does not meet one of the above conditions, evidence can be provided by achieving a satisfactory score on a test of competence in English. The test(s) to be used and the minimum scores(s) shall be subject to approval by University committees. This requirement may be waived upon agreement by the director of Undergraduate Admissions and the dean of the college concerned if evidence of competence in English presented by the applicant clearly justifies such action.Admission Test Information Each beginning freshman and transfer applicants with less than 30 graded transferable credit at the time of application, regardless of rank in class or length of time out of school, is required to submit an admission test score from either the American College Testing (ACT) program or the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). An applicant will not complete the admission requirements until the test score is received by Undergraduate Admissions in the form of an official score report sent directly from the testing agency concerned. Complete information concerning the test, the dates of test administration, and the location of testing centers may be obtained from high school counselors.Delayed Admission The delayed admission program allows a newly admitted, degree-seeking student to defer the start of attendance to allow a planned interlude for specific, acceptable reasons between the term of acceptance and actual University attendance. A deferral may be requested for one or two semesters. (Certain programs may not be delayed for only one semester.) A delay for up to two years may be granted to a student whose United States military commitment has been extended for more than one year. A delay can be requested only for the same program to which the student was admitted. The intent of this program is to allow students time to participate in rare, unique, extraordinary opportunities. Unfortunately, some students must delay admission due to unforeseen events, such as medical emergencies, serious health conditions and military orders. Financial complications or attendance at another academic institution are not regarded as reasons to delay admission to the University. Each individual’s situation will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The college to which the student was accepted must approve the request to delay admission.For more information or to request a delay in your attendance term, contact Undergraduate Admissions. Undergraduate Application Fee Waivers Applicants for admission must submit a $50 ($60 for international applicants) application fee (amount subject to change) to help defray processing costs. The fee is nonrefundable. The application fee will be waived if the applicant meets one of the criteria listedapplicant submits our Undergraduate Application Fee Waiver form. Please note that the form must be signed by a school counselor, financial aid officer, social worker or other person who, on a professional basis, has some knowledge of the applicant's financial situation. A waiver that is signed by the applicant or a relative will not be accepted. The applicant is currently an employee of the University of Illinois or an allied agency (if eligible). Fee waivers are given to permanent academic and non-academic employees of the UI who have a 50-100% appointment and to certain employees of affiliated agencies whose appointments are in effect at the time the application is filed. The applicant is currently registered at the University of Illinois at Chicago or Springfield. The applicant submits proof of eligibility for a ACT/SAT fee waived. The applicant submits proof of eligibility for a Pell Grant. The applicant is a University of Illinois faculty, academic or staff retiree. The applicant is eligible under the Illinois Veteran Grant Program. Applicants under approved foreign exchange programs in which the University participates, and foreign students participating in approved exchange programs in which the waiver of fees is reciprocal. Students from other universities participating in the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) Program by taking courses at the University of Illinois. Cooperating teachers and administrators who receive assignment of practice teachers, who receive assignment of students meeting the clinical experience requirement in teacher education, or who cooperate in research projects related to teacher education, cooperating librarians, school-nurse teachers, social welfare field supervisors, recreation field supervisors, health-education field supervisors, speech pathology supervisors, developmental child care field supervisors, educational psychology supervisors, continuing education supervisors, industrial relations field supervisors, and physicians participating without salary in the instructional program of the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign. Illinois Teacher of the Year recipients.参考资料:




1、本科:高中毕业,两篇文章,ACT/ SAT,雅思6.5 (单项分数不低于6.0)或新托福79以上(官网上从前是这个标准,但从2014年起此标准已经不再官网中出现,所以如果没有90分以上的成绩不要申请。工程等学院至少102以上);艺术、舞蹈、音乐、戏剧类申请人有特殊要求。

2、研究生:大学本科毕业,雅思6.5(单项分数不低于6.0)或新托福(有条件录取79以上、完全录取102以上),GPA3.0,GRE或GMAT,个人自荐信和学术推荐信。注:上述为最低入学要求,有的专业可能会有较高的要求!(以2014年录取情况看,大多数拿到OFFER的人成绩为托福92+、SAT1900+、ACT29+)。伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,缩写为UIUC),建立于1867年,位于7a686964616fe78988e69d8331333337613263伊利诺伊州幽静的双子城:厄巴纳—香槟市,是一所享有世界声望的一流研究型大学。该校在《美国新闻与世界报道》2015年美国公立大学排名第11位,世界大学排名第35位;在《泰晤士高等教育》2014年世界大学排名第29位;在《上海交通大学》2014年世界大学学术排名第28位。该校是美国“十大联盟(Big Ten)”创始成员,美国大学协会(AAU)成员,被誉为“公立常春藤”。


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