NUS -- 新加坡国立大学商学院下面是在学校的官网上面复制下来的:If you are requesting ETS to send us your score sheets directly, please note the following codes.For GRE Institution code: 0677For TOEFLInstitution Code: 3720 --------------------------------------------------------------------------TOEFL Codes for NUS Faculties/SchoolsFaculty/School Institution CodeFaculty of Arts & Social Sciences9081School of Business9082School of Computing 9088Faculty of Dentistry 9083School of Design & Environment 9080Faculty of Engineering9084Faculty of Law9085Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine 9086Faculty of Science9087Others3720看你想去的什么专业啦e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e31333264636266.如果上述的专业没有你要去的,那就直接选3720.