美国活动产业协会(Events Industry Council,原Convention Industry Council)在专业词表中定义event为:An organized occasion such as a meeting, convention, exhibition, special event, gala dinner, etc. An event is often composed of several different yet related FUNCTIONS. EIC所说的Event是指有组织的活动,如会议,大会,展览,特殊活动,节日宴会等。
Charles Bladen等认为,活动就是临时性有目的的集会。(Events are temporary and purposive gatherings of people. )活动具有四个特征:(1)临时性(They are temporary in nature);(2)集体性(They are gatherings of people);(3)仪式性(They are often displays of ritual);(4)唯一性(They are, in some sense, unique occurrences).